1:09am and the frickin' meeting tomorrow!

by 5thGeneration 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    I misread Mary's comment at first glance... I thought she was suggesting you 'flip your wife over' on Sunday morning. I thought it was a little racey... but a great way of errr... distracting her until it's too late to bother going...

    Sorry for your trouble though. Unfortunately change will only come about by you making it come about; no one else in your family will do it. Good luck.

  • 95stormfront
    So let her be! You are an autonomous adult, she has no right to emotionally blackmail you for standing up for your freedom to spend your sundays however you wish.

    You're obviously not married, are you! LOL

    I am married to a 4th generation witness and this is exactly what it took for me to get my autonomy back. I finally had to get enough bone to say enough, don't ask me to go.

    ...and our friend here's next encounter with his wife is why it sometimes have to go down this way.


    Big fight after she got home from the meeting.

    Did not end up speaking at all for the rest of the day.

    With my wife she wanted to have it both ways. If I went to the meeting with a display of irritation looking as if I didn't want to be there, there was a big fight at home. If I didn't go, there was this same big fight. It finally got to the point where I figured I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't......and I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life pretending. You get to the point where you have to take a stand and let the chips fall where they may for your own sanity.

  • lonelysheep

    Big fight after she got home from the meeting.

    Did not end up speaking at all for the rest of the day.

    Perhaps you can remind her that as long as you're not interfering with her serving jehovah, that she needs to accpet that you are capable of making your own decisions and acting on them (not going to meetings)! She's likely going to be pissy either way, I imagine. You don't want to be there, so why go? You not going is NOT reason for her to leave you.

    Appeasing her parents is something she has to grow up and stop doing. Is the inheritance really worth it? Are they kicking the bucket tomorrow?

  • 95stormfront

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to pull out the "subjection" card and play it also. Tell her that the controlling, emotional, manipulative ways she's trying burden your conscious with is giving you pause about going to meetings. Maybe she'd be more accomodating if you threatened to go to the elders about her "fits of rage" over you're want to exercise your own conscious.

  • JapanBoy

    This sounds so much of how my life used to be. Now I enjoy the weekends but it has cost me my marriage and two of the best kids on the planet. K

  • rebel8
    Shower half Awake!

    Well there's a Freudian slip if I've ever seen one..........

  • GentlyFeral

    sass_my_frass said:

    an inheritance that I would probably loose
    ... what's it worth, a lifetime? They've probably got another 30 years in them. Do you?

    And another question: How big an inheritance?

    Long ago, a friend of mine told me her sister had just lost it for some dumb reason and threatened to cut her nephew (my friend's son) out of her will. The boy was THIRTEEN. Furthermore, auntie told him just how much he stood to lose: $40,000. Talk about crass.

    Anyway, when his mother told me about it, I said: "As smart as your boy is, and as much as your family values education, by the time Auntie kicks the bucket that'll amount to one year's income for your boy. Or less."

    So, how much do you stand to lose? Enough to sacrifice your sanity?


  • 5thGeneration

    7-8 figures plus!

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