Has anyone else heard about this North American Union?

by *jeremiah* 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • *jeremiah*

    Has anyone else heard about this North American Union?

    I've read a few online news articles about this,....has anyone else heard of this??

    In brief: Its supposedly where sometime in the very near future Mexico, USA, and Canada will come together in a similar manner to the EU.


  • stillajwexelder

    it is called NAFTA and was mooted and discussed at length in The Economist back in 1985 21 years ago - they called the new block "NAMERICA" . Work toward this goal plus infrastrure is going on all the time in the background

  • stillajwexelder
  • *jeremiah*


    so what's your opinion on this whole thing?

  • Woodsman

    MexiCanaMerica? CanaMexiMerica? AmerExAda?

    Globalization is coming. It only makes sense that regions will converge first to make the best use of their resources. Sort of many mini Globalist societies. There will be much resistance to this. Maybe even wars and revolutions. I myself don't like many aspects of it. For example the United Nations wants a Global Ban on gun ownership. Probably not a bad idea in some areas of the globe but I don't want it here. When globalism is complete we will all have global regulations we have to follow and will lose some of our National individualism.

    The upside is global regulations on environmental regulations and weapons developement would be a positive advancement for the human race. What good is it for a country to have strict emmissions regulations if its neighbor doesn't. What if a country has strict water pollution control but their neighbor upriver does not.The world is getting smaller and flatter. What we do now affects everyone so we would do well to regulate our actions globally.

    I loosely see it as a Global United States. Countries have their own governments and many of their owns regulations just as States do. The Global government would have regulations that trump any individual nations laws just as the US federal laws trump state laws.For example if a State says it is legal to smoke Marijuana and sells it in vending machines the federal government could still arrest you for buying it. And probably would.

    So stock up on your guns and pot and get ready cause the UNs coming. Just kidding. About the pot. I think.

  • JWdaughter

    I don't believe that there will be any "amero's" (money for N.American continent) any time soon. As much as we all 'get along' there are too many basic individualities about our national character and laws. Great people in all the countries, different outlooks and attitudes. Not to mention the constitution. After some of the things that have happened lately, I think that it could not happen. We don't NEED to hook up with them, and Mexico needs to get itself together. Canada is great,as is Mexico, but whilst Canada has a similar lifestyle to what we enjoy in the US, they have some very different views and laws. Besides, where would all the US kids go to dodge the draft they are proposing?

  • rwagoner

    MexiCanaMerica? CanaMexiMerica? AmerExAda?

    Globalization is coming

    Earth.....but it has to lean a little to the right to suit me. LOL

  • Woodsman

    It will lean to the right but you'll have to wait about 13,000 years.



    I heard about this when a local talk radio host was interviewing Congressman Tom Tancredo from Colorado. I have been wanting to research it, but between school & life, I haven't had the time.

  • ballistic

    On my recent trip to the USA, I took in Canada and Mexico as well as the USA all be it a short visit.

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