Has anyone else heard about this North American Union?

by *jeremiah* 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • abbagail

    I'm not singling out nor "picking on" Woodsman, but I thought his questions were good ones and probably a lot of people are thinking the same thing. So these sections are for each of his thoughts on the matter...


    Woodsman wrote: "Look how many internet sites and books there are on the matter" (of the NWO). (In other words, I believe Woodsman is saying that it can never happen because too many people are learning about it and will rise up against it).

    abbagail replies: Very True, but I'm also learning the vast majority of them are run by "disinfo agents" and "agents provocateurs." A "disinfo agent" tells the truth up until the last minute, then they switch gears after they have gained everyone's trust and steer them in the wrong direction. "Agents provocateur" keep people riled up and ready to break laws, start riots, revolt, etc. so they can be carried off to jail along with the ones taken in the "midnight raids," etc. I mean, they are itching for people to "fight back." That way they have more reason to kill 'em quicker. Look how they tormented that college kid recently with their tazer guns simply because he wouldn't show them an ID. The "new police forces of America" are nothing but trained-to-harrass-and-kill-soldiers in disguise.

    Also, I look at the internet as a gift from God for wide dissemination of information around the world, and let's use it and make use of it while we can. Just as the Lord used the printing press in the Dark Ages. However, when the "powers that be" back then got fed up, they initiated the Inquisition and tried to quash the Bible that was being printed on those presses. I think the same will happen again, but this time re: the Internet. When the current "powers that be" are ready, the flux of information via the web will dry up overnight. Until then, they will use it for their own purposes such as "information gathering" on ALL OF US. Remember DARPA's "Total Information Awareness"? Well, it Never Died, it was merely REINVENTED and given a new name:

    "However, when Congress disbanded the Total Information Awareness program, it did not prohibit further research on such databanks, or even the use of individual databanks. And, according to a recent study by the National Journal, the Bush administration used that loophole to break the program into smaller parts, transferring some parts to the National Security Agency, classifying the work and renaming parts of it as the Research Development and Experimental Collaboration program."
    Source: L.A. Times article posted thru CuttingEdge.org newsletter 7/1/06: <http://cuttingedge.org/newsletters/>


    US plans to 'fight the net' revealed - Bloggers beware.


    Congress Poised to Unravel the Internet
    posted online on August 18, 2006

    They have already "unraveled" the Constitution, so I'm sure when they are ready, they will "unravel" the internet, too.


    Internet Surfers beware: surveillance ahead - (Canada-ISP's on board to spy on its customers!)
    July 05, 2006
    To view this message in its entirety on the web, click here


    The battle is not over yet: <http://www.democraticleader.house.gov/issues/net_neutrality_/index.cfm>
    From: Save the Internet.com

    "Don't let Congress ruin the Internet!"
    House Committee Vote Results: The Momentum Shifts in Our Favor
    April 26th, 2006 by Matt


    Child protection is the pretext, Patriot Act "thought police" is the result.
    The internet is your Liberty tree. Protect it now or kiss it goodbye.
    From: "Lexington Green" <baggywrinkle@...
    Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:22:59 -0700
    Subject: ISP Data Retention; Big Brother is Watching


    <http://mparent7777.livejournal.com/7662437.html> :

    A House subcommittee voted to kill the Internet. Did you notice?
    I reported on this last week without comment. Six evil Dems voted for the bill.
    (See who voted here): http://www.publicknowledge.org/node/179 .

    It's kill or be killed for us. Time to act. Make a start here: <http://action.freepress.net/campaign/netfreedomnow>


    The Information Operations Roadmap
    (The military's "full spectrum dominance" of ALL communications by 2009, including the internet):
    April 2, 2006
    Human rights lawyer John Scott, who chairs the Scottish Centre for Human Rights, said: “This is an unwelcome but natural development of what we have seen. I find what is said in this document to be frightening, and it needs serious parliamentary scrutiny.”
    (And Jeb Bush is in on it, too!)


    DHS and AOL: An Unholy Alliance
    October 3, 2005
    by Martin McKinney
    The Financial Reporter (U.K.)



  • abbagail

    Woodsman wrote: "Look at how many politicians and lawmakers are outspoken on the subject."

    abbagail replies: Again, true, but remember, the global elite CONTROL BOTH SIDES OF THE CONFLICT ("Dialectic Struggle" -- ie, they create proponents or groups on BOTH SIDES so they can thereby CONTROL BOTH SIDES). Most politicians who speak out are merely doing what they have been told to say. They are there to make people THINK something is being done about it.


    "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


    [quote] "When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" ["The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, end of Protocol No. 13].


    "Their script is now written, subject only to last minute editing and stage directions. The stage itself, albeit as yet in darkness, is almost ready... The last minute, walk-on parts are even now being filled. Most of the main actors... have already taken up their roles. Soon it will be time for them to come on stage, ready for the curtain to rise. The time for action will have come." (From The Armageddon Script, by Peter LeMesurier, St. Martin's Press, 1982, New York, N.Y., p. 252)


    "When we come into our kingdom... who will ever suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" ( From Behold A Pale Horse, by Milton William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, 1991, Sedona, AZ, p. 303)


    See also: HEGELIAN DOCTRINE: "Controlled Conflict Brings About Controlled Change." This is how the "powers that be" operate. The politicians are there "for show" to placate the people on both sides of the fence, mostly making promises they never keep. Sort of like MOUTHPIECES. Aren't most politicians lawyers? lol. There's your answer, lol. j/k



  • abbagail

    "DISINFO AGENTS" - ???

    Woodsman wrote: If the Goverments were bent on controlling mankind to that degree why haven't people like Alex Jones been hauled away and executed.

    abbagail replies: Alex Jones is an example of an Agent Provocateur. - Hey, I like his stuff, too, InfoWars and Prison Planet, but his emphasis is on generating fear. I call it intense fear-mongering. I actually unsub'd from their lists because of it, and the fact they send out a ton of stuff (who can keep up with it?)

    Besides, it has been said Alex Jones is ONE OF THEM, playing the "OPPOSITE SIDE" of the global elite; and I've also heard it said he panders to the Scientologists which is also a "mind control cult" of the NWO. (Do a google for a website called Liberty to the Captives. net -- she had info about that at her site).

    With people like Alex, this way the world-handlers can "keep tabs," so to speak, on ALL parties, those opposed TO and those FOR globalization. The elite "read people like a glove," so they know how people will act and react to whatever stimuli. The massive flux of psychology/psychologists in the past 35+ years got their info from where military-psychology was birthed, The Tavistock Institute. (Will have to do a google on that for some specific links on that subject.) It isn't like their psychology is wrong, by no means. They have us pegged, they've been studying human nature a long time. But it's what they intend to DO with that knowledge that is the problem, and what they are using it for is mass MIND CONTROL and MANIPULATION.


    PS: Nobody has to agree. I'm presenting all of this, first, for Jeremiah, because it's his thread and he IS interested and he asked for any info I had, and secondly, for anybody else who may be interested. I've got over 3500 articles and posts on the entire NWO subject gathered over the past 3-1/2 years. Might as well spread it around some. ;-)

  • abbagail


    Woodsman wrote: "The soldiers are American citizens and I don't believe they will actually kill their family and friends. Again the worst case scenario would be foreign troops here so killing us would be less objectionable."

    abbagail replies: Very perceptive, Woodsman, as letting FOREIGN TROOPS do the dirty work IS EXACTLY THEIR PLAN, and it was decided upon back in 1952 by the Bilderberg group which foreign troops would cover which parts of the USA (and the world, for that matter):


    Snipped from this 1999 report: <http://www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n1270.cfm>
    All below is quoted text...



    In 1952, in London, the Illuminati sponsored a meeting to re-draw the world into military regions after the One-World Government had been established. In the early 1920's, Russian Communist leaders learned a very valuable lesson: they learned that ethnic troops could not be depended upon to be brutal to their own people . Therefore, Russian Communists devised a plan whereby Muslim Russian troops would be stationed in non-Muslim areas, and vice versa. Therefore, troops would have no difficulty oppressing, jailing, and murdering people not their own. As you will shortly see, this plan applies these lessons worldwide. We have much to fear, as you will see in just a few moments.

    In 1952, the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government decided which areas of the world would be occupied and patrolled by which troops. These worldwide forces would be commanded by a World Director, who would have an organization of 8 zone directors and 51 regional directors. No regional director would ever be responsible for his own country, and no military troops would ever be stationed within his own country. [This information taken from the National Economic Council of New York City, 1962]

    American troops were assigned six regions of the world, as we have listed below.

    Region 12 -- Australia

    Region 32 -- Uruguay, Argentina

    Region 75 -- India, Nepal, Turkmen, Uzbeg, Tadzhik, Kirghiz, SSR

    Region 58 -- Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia

    Region 55 -- Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, Romania, and Bulgaria -- the Balkans Region [NOTE: Serbia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, and Macedonia were originally part of Yugoslavia; See CIA map of this Central Balkans Region, at http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/figures/802587.jpg You can also view the general map of Europe at http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/figures/802586.jpg ]

    Thus, American troops would be responsible for a huge chunk of Europe, from Czechoslovakia to Greece, and as far east as the border of the Ukraine and Turkey!

    In 1952, American troops were planned to be stationed on the ground in Region 55, precisely the region in which we are presently attacking! Therefore, we know for certain that American ground troops will be marching into Serbia. This war is the ruse to get America troops on the ground in Region 55.

    Now you know for certain that President Clinton is acting in perfect accord with the Illuminati Plan to insert American troops into the Balkans, just as this 1952 plan dictates.

    * Now you know the degree to which you are being lied to in every press conference and in every speech. Now you know that the White House and the Congress are following this plan secretly.

    * Now you know that every major event in this contrived "crisis" is planned.

    * Now you know that nothing of importance is happening by chance, or by accident.

    * Now you know that the major characters in this "crisis" are all following this 1952 plan...



    View map: http://www.cuttingedge.org/atpmap.jpg

    1. Northeast -- Colombian and Venezuelan troops

    2. Southern America all the way to California -- Russian troops. The line begins at Virginia and goes straight West to the border of California.

    3. Midwest -- Belgian troops

    4. Northwest, including California -- Irish troops

    5. Canada -- Mongolian [Chinese] and Russian troops

    6. Mexico -- Mongolian [Chinese] troops. I find it highly interesting that the Mexico portion over which the Chinese are to exercise control includes San Diego, California! Our government has just given the Chinese Communists control over an "abandoned" U.S. Naval base, in Long Beach, have they not? Now you know even more conclusively that Clinton and Congress are part of this 1952 Plan, and are acting entirely at the control of the Illuminati to end American sovereignty and unite the world under the banner of the coming Antichrist.

    Foreign troops would be in total control of the entire North American continent. No sizeable American troops would be allowed in this country. Then, what needs to happen to the 1,146,959 American troops now stationed in this country? They will either have to be disbanded or deployed overseas.




    This 1952 Plan also calls for various foreign troops to patrol various regions of America, as we reported in NEWS1270. Therefore, this country has to be ... www.cuttingedge.org/News/n1287.cfm

    In 1952, American troops were planned to be stationed on the ground in ... Foreign troops would be in total control of the entire North American continent. ... www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n1270.cfm

    But it was unclear whether this meant Belgrade would budge from its refusal to accept foreign troops or whether it only referred to unarmed observers." ... www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1273.cfm

    Look carefully at this map, created during the 1952 Bilderberger Meeting. ... Foreign troops would be in total control of the entire North American ... www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n2079.cfm



  • abbagail


    Woodsman wrote: "The soldiers are American citizens and I don't believe they will actually kill their family and friends. Again the worst case scenario would be foreign troops here so killing us would be less objectionable."

    abbagail replies: See above about the foreign troops. That 1999 article said our own troops would, for the most part, be shipped out elsewhere, and below is more about our own soldiers and the NWO...


    American soldiers are already being trained to kill citizens -- and some of them think it is "fun":

    This Camp LeJeune section below, I snipped from this Last Trumpet newsletter:


    One of the subscribers to this [Last Trumpet Ministries July 2004] newsletter recently sent me a questionnaire that was administered to him by a female brigadier general at Camp Lejuene. There were a total of 46 questions with four possible answers to each one: strongly disagree, disagree, strongly agree, and no opinion.

    Item number 45 reads as follows: “I would swear to the following code: I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation’s way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”

    Item number 46 says: “The U.S. Government declares a ban on the possession, sale, transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.” (36)


    Does everyone realize that Bush, Jr. and his Illuminist federal judges snuck in these gun laws mentioned above, under our noses, Dec. 13th, 2003, the same day they "captured" Saddam as a "media distraction" :


    Did you realize our military was disbanded in 1961?

    We must remember that on September 26th (26 = 2x13/ag), 1961, Public Law 87-297 and H.R. 9118 (can't help but notice the 911 in that #/ag) was passed by the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives calling for “The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their establishment in any form whatsoever, other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations peace force.”
    Snipped from: <http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/2004/January2004a.html>


    Top US Marine General: 'It's Fun To Shoot People'
    February 3 2005
    or at NBC San Diego:
    WATCH THE VIDEO, too, at prison planet


    Yet even if some soldiers resist harming American citizens, and we can only pray they do, where will they be? Here? No.

    snipped from:
    WEEKLY UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries
    10/1/2005 <http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/Archive-index.html>


    There is one website/former police officer, Jack McLamb, who is and has been trying to educate American police and military personnel that they need to UPHOLD the Constitution FIRST and FOREMOST, and NOT follow the tyrannical orders to harm their own fellow citizens no matter what they are being told/trained in the "modern/global" police and military training.


    He explains the NWO to police and military in his booklet: Operation Vampire Killer 2000:



  • abbagail




    RUSE: "Civil Disturbance Planning" is really "The PARANOIA of the THIEF" in action (ie, the CORPORATE-MILITARY thief who has a "PLOT" to takeover Your American Neighborhood "Garden")

    "No one will fully comprehend the historical implications and strategy of fascist corporativism except the true fascist manipulator or the researcher who is able to slash through the smoke screens and disguises the fascists set up." - George Jackson, June 21, 1971

    Below is the heading and link to a detailed, historical and chronological piece of research from 97 references from military manuals and other official documents which shows how we are systematically being "set up" for takeover by dictatorship and how our local cops and the military are and have been being trained for this very purpose for several decades now. Have you noticed? If you want DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS that this is true, then read on... If you like HISTORY, then read on... It's all here in one very neat package...

    By Frank Morales
    as posted at
    "What Really Happened: The History the Government Hopes You Don't Learn"

    US Has been preparing to turn America into a military dictatorship
    From the Rodney King riots to unannounced "training" exercises over American cities, the US military is being trained to turn the United States into a dictatorship.



  • abbagail

    "Terrorists" also will include any/all of us... Take the "terrorist true or false" test below...


    Here are the Official FBI Categories & Definitions of "Domestic Terrorist"(s):
    "Domestic Terrorist" is defined as: "Groups or individuals entirely inside the US, attempting to influence the US government or population, to effect political or social change by engaging in criminal activity."
    See link: <http://www.keepandbeararms.com/images/FBI-MCSOTerroristFlyer-Front.jpg>


    You are a Terrorist If... True or False...

    Could you be a full-blown terrorist and not know it? Should you turn yourself in to the authorities right now? Take the following quick quiz and find out. Answer "True" or "False" to each of the following questions:


    Newsweek tip and comment below compliments of a ghosttroop poster.


    Feb. 13, 2006 issue of NEWSWEEK - In the latest twist in the debate over presidential powers, a Justice Department official suggested that in certain circumstances, the president might have the power to order the killing of terrorist suspects inside the United States. (Might these suspects be you and I?)


    More on the above news here:

    Can the President Order a Killing on U.S. Soil?



  • abbagail

    Remember how, when we were J-dubs, and we would attempt to reason w/people re: the fact that:

    Because they do NOT even BELIEVE there IS a Devil or Satan, then he has already won HALF the battle for their lives simply because of their UNBELIEF re: his existence.


    I would propose that the very sophisticated, arrogantly-intelligent members of this global elite. operate under the very same premise. They are "banking" ($$-lol-$$) on the fact that they don't have to even bother with most people, because most people will never believe they even exist, nor that they have a concrete plan for world and human domination. It makes their "job" a whole lot easier. Bring on more cows and entertainment, lol, as Woodsman described.

    Below are some quotes re: that aspect...




    Step 1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

    Step 2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

    Step 3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate. In other words, the focus of this debate slightly shifts somehow. This shifting can take several forms, depending upon the subject matter, but a slight shift always occurs.

    Step 4. In the process, sheer repetition of the shocking subject under discussion gradually dulling its effect.

    Step 5. People then are no longer shocked by the subject.

    Step 6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.


    Read more here: http://www.cuttingedge.org/n1055.html --and-- http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1599.cfm



    "It is also important for the State to inculcate in its subjects an aversion to any 'conspiracy theory of history'; for a search for 'conspiracies' means a search for motives and an attribution of responsibility for historical misdeeds. If, however, any tyranny imposed by the State, or venality, or aggressive war, was caused not by the State rulers but by mysterious and arcane 'social forces,' or by the imperfect state of the world or, if in some way, everyone was responsible ('We Are All Murderers,' proclaims one slogan), then there is no point to the people becoming indignant or rising up against such misdeeds. Furthermore, an attack on 'conspiracy theories' means that the subjects will become more gullible in believing the 'general welfare' reasons that are always put forth by the State for engaging in any of its despotic actions. A 'conspiracy theory' can unsettle the system by causing the public to doubt the State's ideological propaganda."—Prof. Murray N. Rothbard, "The Anatomy of the State," Rampart Journal, Summer 1965, pp. 1-24.
    Source: <http://www.gaissa.com/Curiosity/Secret/Conspirancy_theory.htm>



    SUBJECT: "National Strategy for Combating Terrorism" - White House "Position Paper" re: ALL OF US!

    This is so remarkable...

    911Truth.org ::: The 9/11 Truth Movement ::: Campaign to Expose the Truth of 9/11 ::: www.911truth.org
    From: 911truth.org
    Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 22:19:34 +0200
    Subject: Newsletter 9-14-06


    The deeper issues are constitutional -- are Americans allowed to question the government at all? A particularly Orwellian position paper released this month [September 2006] by the White House, the "National Strategy for Combating Terrorism," offers us a clear picture of our government's answer to this question:

    "The terrorism we confront today springs from ... [s]ubcultures of conspiracy and misinformation. Terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda ... In place of a culture of conspiracy and misinformation, democracy offers freedom of speech, independent media, and the marketplace of ideas, which can expose and discredit falsehoods, prejudices, and dishonest propaganda."


    abbagail exclaims: Oh brother! It's EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE! THEY ARE THE ONES doing these very things!
    * conspiracy and misinformation
    * contaminated by falsehoods
    * corrupted by conspiracy
    * distortions ... filter out facts
    * self-serving propaganda

    And THESE are the VERY THINGS they are trying to PREVENT ALL OF US from DOING or HAVING:
    * freedom of speech,
    * independent media,
    * a marketplace of ideas,
    * exposing and discrediting falsehoods, prejudices, and dishonest propaganda.

    Unbelievable. They have turned the whole thing around! As CuttingEdge.org always says <http://www.cuttingedge.org/News/n1558.cfm> : "TRUTH LIES IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION" [of the rhetoric they present to the public].

    Back to the above article:


    It's not very difficult to see that with this disgraceful attempt to link terrorism to the free expression of ideas, the US government is aiming to foment an environment in which it may criminalize those who disagree with the government. The Orwellian architects of this dizzying statement obviously want nothing of "freedom of speech, independent media, and the marketplace of ideas" when powerful alternative views gain purchase. They are in full denial over the fact that it is US policy, and not the free expression of ideas, which produces terrorism.


    by Don Harkins


    Shrink punished for 'new world order' talk
    Government panel suspends psychiatrist's right to practice medicine
    February 17, 2005


    How Blocked Is Your View?

    "When you see a cloud coming up in the west, straight away you say, 'There will be rain,' and so it is. And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, 'There will be heat,' and so it is. O false ones! The face of the earth and the heaven is clear to you; how is it that the signs of these times are not as clear to you?" - Luke 12:54-56

  • abbagail

    There are secular UN-ways and "church" ways...


    Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Martial Law
    Nationwide initiative trains volunteers to teach congregations to "obey the government" during seizure of guns, property, forced inoculations and forced relocation


    FEMA Training Documents for Pastors


    Quietly, without fanfare, FEMA and the FBI have started pressuring pastors of local congregations to act as the government's eyes and ears in identifying which of their members might prove to be a threat to the government! Can anyone see and hear the footsteps of Adolf Hitler and his "SS"? <http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/> :


    Bush Hooks Churches to Homeland Security -- Your Pastor May Be Spying On You...

    "After 9/11 President Bush demanded, and got, the greatest set of dictatorial powers [via his many "Executive Orders"] the world has ever seen since World War II. American citizens have not realized this fact, because none of these draconian powers have yet been enacted." (<http://cuttingedge.org/newsletters/> 6/10/06)


    Executive Order:
    Responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security with Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
    [by] GEORGE W. BUSH, THE WHITE HOUSE, March 7, 2006


    Extensive details of these "indoctrinating programs" at Berit Kjos' website... read these for starters :

    Spirit-Led or Purpose-Driven, Part 1
    * Part 2: Unity & Community
    * Part 3: Small Groups and the Dialectic Process (they use small groups - easier to keep tabs on, and indoctrinate via peer pressure, etc.)
    * Part 4: Dealing with Resisters
    * Part 5: Spiritual Gifts and Community Service

    Creating Community (Part 2) through a New Way of Thinking
    * Creating Community (Part 1) through Transformational Leadership

    And at the same webpage...

    * Brainwashing in America: Why Few Dare Call It Conspiracy
    * Local Agenda 21 - The U.N. Plan for Your Community
    * Character Training For Global Citizenship
    * Brainwashing and "Education Reform"
    * Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules

    And on another page at her site, check the articles under these main topics:

    * Global Management System
    * Education
    * The Compromising Church
    * Brainwashing
    * A Unifying Global Spirituality

    Faith & Persecution <http://www.crossroad.to/Persecution/persecute.html>
    * Losing Our Freedom
    * Executive Orders

    The Global Church <http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles.html#church>
    * Conforming the Church to the New Millennium
    * Church Youth Trained for UNESCO's Culture of Peace

    Global (UN) Management System <http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles.html#anchor971446>
    * The Chamber of Commerce - It's Power and Goals
    * The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New World Order
    * The Student's Guide to the New World Order
    * GENOCIDE - Prevention, Sovereignty & Human Nature
    * Merging the Americas in a New Global Order
    * Reinventing the World, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
    * Disaster, Deliverance and Deceiving spirits
    * From U.S. Sovereignty to Global Conformity
    * Bush, Shultz, Gorbachev and Soviet Education
    * The Mainstream Media
    * UN's Millennium Goal: Conforming Humanity to Socialist Solidarity
    * The UN Plan for Your Mental Health
    * Local Agenda 21 - The U.N. Plan for Your Community
    * UN Plan For Global Control: A Report on Habitat II
    * The U.N plan for food and land
    * The WTO and the Culture of Control (12-99)
    * World Heritage 'Protection': UNESCO's War vs. National Sovereignty
    * Rapid Reaction Against UN Foes (the foes are all of us who oppose the One World Government by the "beast")

    See also CuttingEdge's series of articles along the same lines, Outcome-Based Religion:
    <http://www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n1506preface.html> and
    <http://www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n1506index.html> ./



  • abbagail

    By Allan Uthman, Buffalo Beast
    Posted on May 26, 2006, Printed on May 26, 2006


    snipped from:
    WEEKLY UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries
    7/23/2005 <http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/Archive-index.html>


    snipped from:
    WEEKLY UPDATES FROM Cutting Edge Ministries
    7/23/2005 <http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletters/Archive-index.html>


    Read the article from 15 years ago and see how far we have come! Compare these House of Theosophy plans/predictions with what has actually transpired!


    25 October, 1997
    by Col. (Dr) Byron T. Weeks


    60 New World Order Facts You Should Know
    Dr. Gianni Hayes, Ph.D.


    FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order
    1994, by David Rivera http://theunjustmedia.com/New%20World%20Order/Final%20warning%20NWO/Final%20warning%20a%20history%20of%20the%20new%20world%20order%20table%20of%20contents.htm


    By Tom DeWeese
    June 8, 2005


    Koran Scholar: US Will Cease to Exist in 2007http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1111980180248
    A thorough analysis of the Koran reveals that the US will cease to exist in the year 2007, according to research published by Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi.


    USA in 400-Year Cycle? 1606-2007?
    The most stunning statement was when those closest to the new [Iranian] president say they expect the Mahdi to appear within the next two years.
    This year-to-year scenario is interesting especially since the United States is on a major prophetic pattern (cycle) relating to 400 years.
    In 1607 was our first colony, and in 2007 we enter the 400 year cycles that may parallel the same prophetic cycle of ancient Israel who was in Egypt for 400 years. In 2008 we will elect the 44th President. It is clear that some in the Islamic community are attempting to fulfill their prophecies concerning the appearing of this man, the Mahdi.


    When WW3 breaks out, our "fearless leaders" will be safe hunkering down in their underground cities...

    FEMA and the Hidden Underground Government

    Check out this link for a list of all the UNDERGROUND Military bases in the USA.
    Got one near you?
    None in FLA, too shallow, I presume.



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