I personally think that is a small minded way of thinking and am fighting mad. Who the hell does that person think they are speaking for me. I am part of this place too and you are one of my favorite people. I swear some people are so presumptuous. I know that judging is a sin by "so called Christian" values and so if being gay is a sin so is judging. I say I would rather be gay than a crotchity ol' judging tight ass person. Geez. Catch up with the world whoever this person is. And furthermore..... If it is someone I know and like, I am sadly disappointed. Live and let live. Who are we to judge?
This is exactly what this board is for. To help all of us mend. most us the people are out because of sexual behavior and be it gay or straight...it is the same. It is a way different than the JW's mandate. And for that, we all have lost a whole world and a whole life. The board is for lost souls just like this person who judges so quick. Because there are some lessons this person has not learned yet. One is that Hambeak has more love in his toenail than you would ever know and if you are not gay he would not force himself on you. He is a most wonderful person and in the short time I have known him he has done the most amazing things for myself and my children.
PS. Hambeak, My son got choked up a bit when I told him of the compliment I got from you about his work. We had a really big talk and your help came up. I appreciate it more than you might possibly understand and I know he does. I think that your help is just what the doc ordered. Thank you.