How should I report zero hours for November?

by OnTheWayOut 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Smiles said:

    As long as u are at the meetings and hold a position ... if u don't turn in a slip with a little time on it you are inviting harrassment.

    No, the "Stumbled by the CO" comment was brought about because of my stepping aside. I ceased taking responsibilities in August, but it took the BOE until after the CO visit in October to remove me. I made a bold stand- stating that I had severe doubts about the Governing Body and couldn't promote their doctrine- to give myself some breathing room from them (make them a bit scared to even approach me) and it worked so well that I increased the pace of my fade. Now I just want them to stay out of my life as I fade, but I truly do not want to go out in service, I cannot promote the doctrine.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Oh ... ok ... sorry I didn't know the details. So how many meetings are you making right now?

  • megsmomma

    I feel the suggestions from a-lot of posters makes sense. Turn in a little time each month to keep them from harrasing you...and gradually just make it less and less when you are ready and able to just drop them. You are doing a type of "preaching work" here, so you have put in time discussing JW's doctrine! I know it seems tempting in a way to have a confrontation....but as we know, they don't listen to any reasoning and it just ends up being stressful to you.

  • Backed away
    Backed away
    and even one car chase! The car chase ended when they discovered I wasn't driving my truck that day - someone else was. I had taken the bus to work.

    Finally free, being in Califonia all I pictured was a news helicopter overhead and your truck racing down the road with the witness mobile in hot pursuit with tracts and magazines flying out, unbelievable!

    On the way out, sounds like they are not taking your bait, either step up the "I'm over here, talk to me approach" or maybe its time you change your name to "finally just left"

    All kidding aside, keep us posted.

  • OnTheWayOut
    So how many meetings are you making right now?

    I make about 2 out of 3 meetings most of the time, sometimes less.
    I think it averages around 60%.

    I had a rotating schedule for work before and was only making 75%
    as an elder. They never had a problem with it, because I did the
    work assigned to me, I let them know ahead of time which meetings
    I would be missing from so they could assign talks on the other dates.

  • OnTheWayOut

    On the way out, sounds like they are not taking your bait, either step up the "I'm over here, talk to me approach" or maybe its time you change your name to "finally just left"

    I like that thought. I will meditate over it.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Ok just stop and think about this for a second, how many other religions make their member punch a time card? geesh if JW were high tech they would be handing out badges with bar codes on the back and every time you witness you scan your bar code that gets send directly to Bethel.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    I'm with the 'finally just left' comment.

    Either just stop cold turkey with the meetings or go down to every other Sunday only for a couple of months or something like that.

    It seems you have set the stage to just quit. Good for you!!! How much hassle you get will probably depend on the dilligence of the elders (ie. they may look u up at CO visits when they have to give a publisher report) and how many in the congregation will miss you (how much you were liked). Otherwise you are home free ... get busy living your life ... there is so much you can do with your new found freedom. The mental freedom may take a little longer to actually get but why not go ahead and enjoy your physical freedom.

    Much luvvvv ~ Smiles

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks for your sincere thoughts, Smiles_Smiles and others.

    Other inputs still welcome.

  • jukief

    The last 10 years I was a Witness I just couldn't go in service anymore. I couldn't preach something I didn't believe myself. But it took those 10 years for me to extricate myself from the dubs and my JW husband. In the meantime, I turned in five hours every month. I wanted to keep them off my back. I'm sure they knew I wasn't really getting the hours in. We had the book study in our house, for Christ's sake, and I never, ever went to the meeting for service, which was being held in my basement on Saturday mornings. Instead, I often watched people's young children while they went out. No one ever questioned me. I think they were just happy not to have to deal with it. The lie worked for all of us.

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