Dear on the way out, I think you are to be commended. You are a very conscientious person and I like that in people. I like the idea of figuring in all the time you didn't report and using it now. I also think it's quite true that you have witnessed to quite a few on the discussion board. No doubt there are some who are not baptized reading your posts!:-) I remember dreading handing in that time card. At least I had two little ones I could "time" for teaching. I read them the bible, not the literature. I make it easier for you. Wish I could. I do remember a little boy handing in a service report (He could barely write) He wrote an elders name down (mis-spelled of course) and put in the most ridiculous amount of hours and placements that the m.s. emptying the box started laughing when it fell open! He had like a million magazines and 4,000 hours!!!!!lol Kitten Whiskers
How should I report zero hours for November?
by OnTheWayOut 42 Replies latest jw friends
johnny cip
you want to piss them off? hand in a MINUS REPORT. like Minus 20 hours were you went back to some of your old rv's and and asked for some of your wt books. mag's back . and you can't can't feel good about leaving these people false teachings. so MINUS 20 HOURS and write the word MINUS. and minus placements that you took back . plus count all the time you spend here as MINUS. they will get the picture fast. and screw the meetings. show up for 10 minutes once a week then just get up and leave. no if's ands or but's . if they question you tell them they are stumbling you. and you need to get in some more MINUS HOURS and brush the dust off your feet. if they keep pressing . tell them when they die on the cross for your sins then you will answer to them. this is pretty simple and i would burn the living crap out of them. good luck john
Okay, here's what I think I will do. I will turn in the big ZERO across
the board with absolutely NO COMMENTS.They left me alone last month, can't count on it again if I provoke them.
May not be left alone anyway, but why push it?
I will turn up the "missing meetings" a notch and get below 50% before
the year ends, but I will keep ducking the conversations with elders.If they ask to talk to me, I am too busy. When they seem insistent, I will
say "I am fine, don't need your help" then miss the next meeting.
Their track record show they won't put in much effort until the next CO
visit, and I know I won't be available for HIM. -
AK - Jeff
Turn in a minus number, and see what happens. Would they deduct it?
If they ask - tell them you have met a few hundred people who have admitted inflating the numbers - so would they mind getting the record back closer to accurate by negative reports?
Instead of reporting a minus number, just report the hours you spend here, and fill the slip in with red ink to represent the negative value. They'll probably never have a clue.
If you want to see how brain-dead they are report 35 hours.
You can count all the time you spend on this board. This question has been discussed some time in the past and I believe it has been resolved. If I was still turning in time I would count all my JWD time on my monthly report.
When I stopped reporting (had been an elder until 5 months before) nobody ever said a word to me about it. Now my wife attends a different local congregation . She often fails to report , nobody ever says anything to her.
Elders don't give a toss these days ...they just do the work that shows, like the meetings and field service groups. They might make a shepherding call on an old lady who will give them a cup of tea and tell them they are lovely, but reach out to someone who they know would give them a deeper discussion? Forget it !
Okay, so which will most likely cause them to start examining my
situation and try to accuse me of being apostate-1. Turning in the negative time.
2. Turning in a high number of hours just after a month of ZERO.
(They never saw me at meetings for service.)
3. Just turning in ZERO.
4. Turning in ZERO with some comment about how I am still stumbled
or just couldn't promote WT doctrines this month.I know I could just turn in 1 to 4 hours and get them to leave me alone,
but I truly see my exit from the congregation going so well that I think
I can go straight to inactive status now. If counsel gets heavy this month,
I can revert to the standard 2 hours report next month. I really doubt these
guys will take any action if I keep my mouth shut and go inactive.I THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE MORE GREAT IDEAS OF WHAT
Search your heart and mind and ask yourself this question -
What outcome in this situation do I really want?
Only you know what you have to lose if you choose confrontation. Be prepared for the consequences.
You also know how many hours you have to put to avoid confrontation, and how many meetings you have to attend. Only you know if you have the stomach for it and if it is worth it.
BizzyBee (the old fader)
It depends what you want the result to be. Ig you want them to approach you, then turn in an obviously - false report, pioneer hours or thereabouts., If you want them to leave you alone, it looks like the zero hours approach might work again.