"Let the woman keep silent"

by belbab 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    The men bible writers only wanted women to be kissers and lovers.....which really wasn't a bad idea. Couldn't ya just stare at these ruby reds all day long?

    *starts gettin past the flaccid stage*


  • juni
  • mrsjones5

    So what are you exactly trying to say?

  • hambeak

    I think belbab has a point. Historically women were not in the forefront but were to do the bearing of children and the house chores while the men provided the food and the shelter and fought the wars.

    Now lets come up a few millenia and things are changed and for the better.

    We have women leaders, doctors, judges, ( I like Judge Judy) professors and the list goes on and on. Men for the most part are to busy dealing with their testosterone levels so they fight, start wars, kill, rape, etc.

    I believe in total equality based on ability. Just my 2 cents

  • Narkissos

    Happy birthday belbab!

    (You didn't want it to go unnoticed by the ladies, did you? But so far it didn't work. )

    There were (at least) two increasingly opposite stances on this issue among early Christians, as the trajectory from 1 Corinthians (discounting 14:33ff which is probably a later addition) to the Pastorals shows.

    See http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/92014/1.ashx

  • DocBob
    Ever hear of a woman hero in the bible?

    Rahab - saved the spies' bacon in Jericho

    Deborah - Israel's woman judge

    Jael - pinned Sisera to the ground

    Esther - saved the whole nation of Israel from genocide

    Abigail - saved her husband Nabal and his men from being wiped out by David.

  • LongHairGal


    I could never stand the ministry school. Let me explain why. It throws the "sisters" together more than I would like. It is bad enough when I had to work with them out in "service". I did not like it and thought it was stupid to get together with people who were not my friends for these stupid little "skits". The "brothers" are not inflicted on each other in this way.

    The whole idea is dreamed up by men who like the idea of the "womenfolk" being all together like a quilting bee in the old days. Makes the men feel all warm and fuzzy. Besides, the "sisters" aren't really teaching if they are just spouting canned answers.


  • Woodsman

    Yet another example of how the Bible reflects the wisdom, thinking and customs of men at the time a particular book was written and not of an omnipotent God.

    I believe women should be able to do whatever they want as should men. There are physiological differences but neither is inferior to the other.

    Still if people start persecuting JWs there is no way in hell I'll let my wife go out in service and I will personally persecute any "brother" who encourages her to do so.

    So if you are saying Paul said what he said about women due to the persecution ongoing at the time, then I would say I can agree with his sentiments.

    However I think the New Testament canon does not treat women as equal to men and do not think this is due to wanting to protect them. See my first sentence.

  • mouthy

    Tongue StretchTongue StretchTongue StretchTongue Stretch


    teaseteaseteaseteaseI just love the way Crazydumb blonde explains her feelings Well Walter my friend( belbab)

    It is bad enough when I had to work with them out in "service". Since I worked with you once I resent your remark( with Harvey Work to remind you) Thanks DR BOB for setting this poor MS servant straight...

  • crazyblondeb
    I just love the way Crazydumb blonde explains her feelings

    EXCUSE ME, granny!!!!!!!!! Me thinks you need to "step away from the eggnog"!!!! That's right, set it down, and walk away!!!

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