Mormons != JW. Read these genuine quotes from active and inactive members!!

by Qcmbr 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kid-A

    rather than simply responding to Kid-A s bait on Mormon recruitment

    Hey dude, dont lay this on me! LOL.....

  • Qcmbr

    'tis a compliment to you that I care enough to respond.

  • Abaddon

    Wow... for a minute there I was going to congratulate Qcmbr for throwing off the shackles of another stupid religion AND developing critical thining skills AND a sense of irony, all apparently overnight

    Seems I am to be disappointed. Actually I am utterly flabberghasted that you can post that stuff and then not see the similarity, but there you go. I always thought leaping from the frying pan into the frying pan made you window-lickingly special... nice bloke, yes... but special... unfortunately "once bitten twice shy" seems to be edged out by "some of the people all of the time" for Qc.

    Yes Qcmbr, Equus zebra and E. hartmannae are different. As are Giraffa camelopardalis thornicrofti and G.c. tippelskirchi. No one would ever mistake one for the other

    As you are comparing them, what would you say differentiates two groups that;

    1. Claim they are Christian
    2. Practice shunning
    3. Have a belief in "truth revealed" to someone in 19th C USA
    4. Place faith in psedu-cannonical literature that is claimed to be inspired without any proof of the same (not that cannonical literature can prove anything, but you get my point I hope)
    5. Place restrictions upon adherents not found in the Bible
    6. Place expectations on adherents not found in the Bible
    7. Believe in spirit guidance of modern day leaders
    8. Have had and still have doctrines that are offensive and damaging and/or utterly ludicrous (LDS = blacks are 2nd class humans, you have loads of wives, you get your own planet, JW = vacinations and organ transplants are bad for you, blood still is, Lions will lie down with lambs in Paradise and not eat them...)

    ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ? ... ?

    Please, minutae aside, what's the difference?

    James: "codswallop" means a load of rubbish, bullshit, gobledygook, or Republican political policy

  • Qcmbr

    I'll post a proper differentiating list tonight when I'm not at work.

  • lovelylil


    With all due respect,

    I think what most are trying to say is that even though you as a Mormon can see that there are obvious differences between your church and the JW's, WE as ex JWs can see the similarities and that is because most religions that claim to have the ONLY truth are similar by nature. Most of the commonalities that people have pointed out, you have said were not true, but these things can be found in your own literature. We are not making it up for instance that you believe in "recent revelation" are we? well this is the same thing as "new light", the name of the term is different but the principle is the same. The other points that were mentioned are the same. You have different terms that is all.

    Frankly I was struck by how similiar the mindset is of JW's and Mormons when I read the Mormon material. Anyway, that being said, you have a right to believe what you want. But I think if you post anything else Mormon, you are only going to get negative responses and it will make you upset. So why bother? Many on this forum do not believe in organized religion anyway so it is not like you are going to convert them. And this is an open forum so you have to expect that you will get counter arguements against whatever you post.

    Hope you don't take this the wrong way, it is just my observation.

    Peace, Lilly

  • james_woods

    Qcmbr posts:

    If anyone has genuine questions about the LDS faith I can answer them but I wouldn't ever consider this a recruitment opportunity here.


    My genuine (recruitment) question is: Did they make you do the missionary thing? JW made me do the pioneer thing. If you did, you probably had about the same results in "recruitment" that I got in "field service". Do you see a similarity in at least that part?

    My genuine observation is: It is still all about "control".

    My genuine (why this thread) question is: Was this an apology for Mormanism or not?

    If so, and if you do not consider it a recruitment opportunity, then why this stuff on an ex-JW site?

    If not so, why this thread?


  • kid-A

    'tis a compliment to you that I care enough to respond. Except that you have'nt responded beyond hand waving and circular defense strategies....answer James questions and THAT would qualify as a response.... Many others, beyond James and myself would be delighted to hear the explanation of your agenda, and what it's doing on an ex-JW recovery board....

  • Qcmbr

    Er.. just a little puzzled as I ALREADY answered James a couple of posts up.

  • Qcmbr

    Right let's put this to bed:

    This thread was in response to post which as part of its title specifically pointed out that mind control was part of the similarity. Kid-A I'm presuming was referring to me in one of his replies and so I decided to take the bait BUT not to do so in a nasty way but in a tongue in cheek fun way. I take issue with the premise of the above thread ergo I wanted to put another view that is virtually impossible to derive from people who have not been Mormons - you cannot tell our story.

    Now James - you are entitled to think 'this' is all about control but as I clearly stated this was not an apology for my faith just a 'fun' response to a previous thread copied in style but done in slight self mocking and paraody. I apologise it didn't communicate itself as such. I disagree that this is an ex-JW site - discuss to your hearts content but its clearly filled with many ex-JWs and others.

    Why am I here - I like it. I get to discuss stuff that I generally can't, there are plenty of Mormon mentioning threads so you can't say that this is not a topic of interest to people here and if you note I rarely start a thread discussing my faith but I often respond to ones that mention it. I think you'd agree that is fair and isn't me proselyting.

    I wasn't forced to go on my mission , I chose to go and I baptised 74 people. I hope that is similar to your door to door experience and as a side note I loved it both as a life experience and because of the spiritual experience. I love my faith and if you cut me I bleed Mormon - that's just the way it is. I don't think it is preaching to say you love your faith. If you disagree then using the same standard there are plenty of proselyters here preaching their lack of belief and derision for those who believe.

    Are the beliefs wierd - just a matter of persepective, any bible believeing christian can't even begin to judge. Wierd is not an indicator of wrong in my book.

    Abaddon a list of differences:

    • Source of authority claimed - (Heavenly vision V. One man with another bible interpretation)
    • Understanding of purpose of life - (Become like God V. Live on perfected earth forever)
    • Shunning - (LDs actively reach out to those who leave V. Matter of faith not to visit.)
    • Relationship To Other Faiths - (LDS have no preaching work against other faiths V. JWs regularly producing media detracting from others faith.)
    • Path to God - (Faith in Jesus V. Faith in WT)
    • Afterlife - (All get to continue progressing V. All dead until resurrection)
    • Secular Education - (Encouraged V. Discouraged)
    • Family - (Eternal Unit V. Divided - esp. if one anointed)
    • Scripture - (Inspired but corrupted V Inspired and Deified)
    • Revelation - (Ongoing V Stopped)
    • Spirit - (Person V Power)
    • Kingdom - (All Areas Of life V Preaching Only)
    • Responsibility - (Get Own Witness V. Accept WT Witness)
    • Celebrations - (Accepted V Banned)
    • Preaching - (2 years mission + lifetime example V Lifetime knocking)

    I contend that my faith is built on personal searching and the embracing of all knowledge which does not equal brain washing to me. If I leave the faith my family would be disappointed but would still talk to me, I would be visited by members until I requested that my name be removed from the records. There are plenty of similarities but I would suggest that doctrine isn't one of them, the final goal is different and the route to achieve that goal is radically different. My mormon culture is rich and fulfilling in a way that for me English general culture isn't. I hope the JW culture has as much to offer for those who still believe and those who have left have found acceptance and love in other ways.

  • james_woods

    OK - now we have this much information: Qcmbr did go on a mission.

    This makes me wonder - were youever a JW?

    If not, then I submit that you are here trying to spread/defend Mormonism to people who have already had the traumatic experience of leaving the horrible JW cult.

    If that is so, then I don't see your thread as a funny joke.

    And I don't see anybody else here laughing, either.


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