though you think yourself clever in your line by line disagreement and attack you aren't. You are just an argumentative person.
Ah; classic cult reaction.
If there was untruth in my reply then he could show this quite easily. As what I say is true, all he can do is attack me personally.
And before you go off on one, yes. I do make barbed comments about you; but I can normally substansiate them (apart from you having been a JW at a certain point where I seem to be mistaken... but the fact you, a cultist, stalk a discussion board for another cult is profoundly weird enough to be getting on with I think).
Your personal attacks are besides the point; you accuse me of being argumentative; if someone posts rubbish is it argumentative to disagree with the rubbish? Yes, but it doesn't matter as there is NOTHING wrong with arguing against rubbish. Except to the person responsible for the rubbish, which explains the whining noise coming from you.
If I had said that the LDS believe White but the JWs believe Black ALL you would have said in response is: They are both coloursTherefore they are not different.
And when ad hom pales one can always launch a straw man attack. Not only can you not base your reply on the points I made (as you cannot do so without looking foolish), you have to make stuff up about what I might say about other things to make it look like you're being reasonable (instead of the cultic conversational coward you prove yourself to be).
I'm sorry but I find you cannot debate well!
And this comes from a cult victim who's already used two logical fallacies in his reply. What you find is obviously influenced by your critical thinking ability, which is +/- 0 as evidenced from being a member of a church based on a farmer with a fantastic imagination. Consider my face not bothered as regards your opinion of my debating ability.
I have a two year old who uses a similar logic structure to you and it revolves around choosing the opposite position purely for the sake of it.
And here we see a 'nice' combination; another ad hom combined with a red herring. That's FOUR logical fallacies in a fairly short reply... maybe you do have a talent afterall..
This isn't about my methods of argumr5ntation Qcmbr.
This is about the fact your argument (about the amount of difference between JW's and Mormons) is utter codswhallop.
Whilst they might believe seemingly different things they are no further apart than two sub-species that can still interbreed as they both are identifiable as cults. It's the duck paradigm all over again; if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and moves like a duck, it is a duck. Even if it thinks it is a golden eagle and that the other duck is a mouse, both it and the other duck are still ducks.
Of course, due to your indoctrination you have no respect of education or science if it conflicts with your 19th Century farmer's fantasies and thus have to resort to pathetic whining and evasion rather than proving me wrong. You are a coward. Defend your silly beliefs or stop trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Abaddon - you could write polemic for the WT mags - your good at it.
AH, didums. still with the ad homs I see. Sore point for you?
You seem unable to actually agree with ANYTHING.
Nah; there's plenty of people on this board who also think you are a nice but rather tragic cult victim. That's not an ad populi, that's a fact.
What you mean is I don't agree with (virtually anything) YOU believe in in the sphere of religion or spirituality or those areas of life where your opinions are religiously predicated rather than being based on fact or reality.
This is because (although admitedly a bit of an arrogant bastard) I actually base my opinions on things that have evidence or facts, and you base your beliefs on religious nonsense
I bet if I cut and pasted a comment from one of your posts ages ago I'd find a rebuttal here.
Again, a straw man, too busy making up what might happen under x circumstance to bother defending the pathetic pile of rubbish I believe you would wish to be regarded as 'your point'. Why not actually defend your beliefs?
Show us how different your 'truth' is from the cult known as JW's. Thus far you've failed to. And (the funny bit) is that YOU started this thread... what were you thinking?
Or will you further distinguish yourself by running away from a discussion you started but cannot possibly end without appearing silly?
Too late....