Mormons != JW. Read these genuine quotes from active and inactive members!!

by Qcmbr 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SusanHere

    Qmbr wrote:

    Abaddon a list of differences:

    • Source of authority claimed - (Heavenly vision Vs. One man with another bible interpretation)
    • Understanding of purpose of life - (Become like God Vs. Live on perfected earth forever)
    • Shunning - (LDS actively reach out to those who leave Vs. Matter of faith not to visit.)
    • Relationship To Other Faiths - (LDS have no preaching work against other faiths Vs. JWs regularly producing media detracting from others faith.)
    • Path to God - (Faith in Jesus Vs. Faith in WT)
    • Afterlife - (All get to continue progressing Vs. All dead until resurrection)
    • Secular Education - (Encouraged Vs. Discouraged)
    • Family - (Eternal Unit Vs. Divided - esp. if one anointed)
    • Scripture - (Inspired but corrupted Vs. Inspired and Deified)
    • Revelation - (Ongoing Vs. Stopped)
    • Spirit - (Person Vs. Power)
    • Kingdom - (All Areas Of life Vs. Preaching Only)
    • Responsibility - (Get Own Witness Vs. Accept WT Witness)
    • Celebrations - (Accepted Vs. Banned)
    • Preaching - (2 years mission + lifetime example Vs. Lifetime knocking)

    I contend that my faith is built on personal searching and the embracing of all knowledge which does not equal brain washing to me. If I leave the faith my family would be disappointed but would still talk to me, I would be visited by members until I requested that my name be removed from the records. There are plenty of similarities but I would suggest that doctrine isn't one of them, the final goal is different and the route to achieve that goal is radically different. My mormon culture is rich and fulfilling in a way that for me English general culture isn't. I hope the JW culture has as much to offer for those who still believe and those who have left have found acceptance and love in other ways.

    Thank you, Q, for giving me a good laugh with your earlier joke (yes, I thought it was good!) and for your comments above. Please know that your efforts are appreciated at least by some in here. And don't allow the intentionally rude ones to drive you away. You are needed here.

    And, c'mon people! Isn't his "differences" list pretty clear in showing that there are actually many key differences in major doctrinal points between LDS and JW?


  • smellsgood


    I think I may know why you didn't get it....I have assumed all along that you were an ex-JW turned Mormon post Watchtower, and that is where I was coming at you from, but it seems that maybe you were never a Witness?

    I know, if you assume you make an ass out of u-and-me. But mostly me this time :)

    And the perfect Platform, Susans comment here:

    "And, c'mon people! Isn't his "differences" list pretty clear in showing that there are actually many key differences in major doctrinal points between LDS and JW?

    Susan, please pay close attention to what I am going to write here






    Ok, Let's see the perfectly GAPING differences between



    and the UNIFICATION CHURCH, otherwise known as the MOONIES

    and then after we observe these IRRECONCILABLE DOCTRINAL DIFFERENCES






    Moonies VS: Watchtower

    *Source of authority claimed - Well well well, Mormonism claims the angel Moroni was the one to reveal those missing stone tablets to Joseph Smith, but REVEREND MOON was visited by BIGGER AUTHORITY APPARENTLY::::the big J.C.himself, at age 15 on Easter Sunday no less! JESUS charged SUN MYUNG MOON tooooooo

    finish the work Jesus had started! Sun spoke with Jesus and John the Baptist in the Spirit World!

    WT CLAIMS: Came out of the Whore Christendom and was CHOSEN BY JESUS IN 1918/1919 as Jehovah's "MOUTHPIECE" "faithful and wise servant" to give the sheep "food at the proper time"

    And C.T. Russell believed himself to be himself alone the "faithful and wise servant" :)

    Qcmbr said for Mormonism: Heavenly Vision.

    hmmm, like Reverend Moon then more than Charles.

    * Understanding of purpose of life - The Moonies, there is a chance for spiritual salvation, since Jesus did not complete his mission on earth, there is as of yet no physical salvation in place

    Once man has achieved earthly perfection, he "becomes one body with God, possesses deity, and cannot commit sins. This man is not in need of redemption or of a savior, nor does he need the life or prayer and faith required by fallen men, because he is without original sin. Such a man, being himself without original sin, comes to multiply children of goodness without sin; in consequence, his children are not in need of a savior for the redemption of their sins" (pp. 140-141).'The Purpose of Jesus' Coming as the Messiah'


    to spend forever in what seems to be a A___B time frame still in a perfected body petting wild animals, eating vegetables,,,,and attending the kingdom hall yet. Where is God? He is in Heaven with the 144K!

    Qcmbr said of Mormonism: Become like God

    alrighty then.



    As with the Watchtower, and for that matter the Mormon church, there is the public spin on whom Jesus is taught to have been and done, and then there is the reality once you become a member.

    Reverend Moon actually teaches Jesus to be a failure. He didn't accomplish his true mission, he didn't get married. And since you can't get to "Heaven" if you haven't been married, and Jesus didn't, so he went to "paradise" a "lower form" of heaven instead. Actually, Reverend Moon kindly had Jesus retro married to a woman from the unification church, so it seems he's been cleared for landing beyond the pearly gates.

    Moon actually believes that he is the Messiah truth be told, and he is finishing Jesus' work, he is married and Jesus was not.

    Moons son who died in a car accident before he was married is said by Moon to be a Lord in the spirit world, and Jesus himself even bows down to him.


    Jesus is Michael the Archangel in pre-existent form. He is the "first creation" of Jehovah. Jesus created all [other] things ;)


    Jesus is a creation, the product of god and his goddess wife after they became so from being people...from another world.

    Jesus is the spirit brother of Satan, and of humans.
    God--the Father

    has a BODY of FLESH AND BONES and together daddy and mommy god procreate baby gods who inhabit humans here on earth.

    One of three gods of their separate Tritheist Godhead.

    MORMONISM= NOT UNIFORMLY BUT YES, SHUN. Particularly the Fundamental branches

    *Path to God - MOONIES

    First of all get married, be a Moonie. Be principled, recognise the "true parents."


    Follow all Watchtower rules, work out your salvation with "good works" which translates to preaching and more preaching. Must be a member of Jehovahs Spirit directed organization. Must believe their doctrine to a T and not question it.


    Qcmbr said: Faith in Jesus

    Hmm, exactly what a Witness would claim actually.

    But, as with the Watchtowers own literature proving that to be misleading, so does the literature of Mormonism and believers of it prove your claim to be misleading

    "Good works are necessary for salvation", Articles of Faith, p. 92.)

    "There is no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith as a prophet of God", (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1, p. 188.)

    "The first effect [of the atonement] is to secure to all mankind alike, exemption from the penalty of the fall, thus providing a plan of General Salvation. The second effect is to open a way for Individual Salvation whereby mankind may secure remission of personal sins" (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 78-79.)

    * Scripture - MOONIES

    Divine Principle, Sun's speeches. Not the Bible so much


    Watchtower and Awake and the neverending books they produce. The Bible as interperted by the FDS.


    Since the Bible is corrupted, and besides the revelation wasn't finished, The Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, Doctrines and Covenants, the Bible...where it doesn't conflict with the other books.

    * Revelation -

    I don't know why Qcmbr thinks the WT teaches "revelation" has "stopped" doesn't he know the WT is getting progressive revelation, new light, and are spiritually guided by the holy spirit itself?


    Revelations galore. Mostly because Jesus couldn't git er done.


    Prophets, revelations. Yeah.

    As you can probably see, the doctrines of the MOONIES and the doctrines of the WATCHTOWER are incredibly different.

    But they are so similar it's not even funny.



    The AUTHORITY STRUCTURE,,,there is a group, a person or an elect WHO INTERPRET OR DISPENSE THE "TRUTH" as typically they say has been "lost" is being revealed now at Gods timing.



    There is always a discrepancy between what they reveal privately and what they teach/believe/practice privately

    You're always advised in these groups to not read material that is not faith "building" they have a can on what you should and should not read.

    You are told not to associate with former members of the group. They are wicked, evil out to get the faith, disgruntled, have an axe to grind, not interested in the truth, doing the work and will of satan, spreading lies, filth, propoganda.

    Don't question the leader, associate with members of your faith exclusively, don't read conflicting views, obey.

    To illustrate, people were only able to speak to Steve Hassan "negatively" about his Moonie status when he completely physically incapacitated

    by the way, like Qcmbr said about "anti" sites, the following IS an account from an "ex" moonie site, but I am SUUUUURE you're getting lies, false information, messed up opinions from raging foaming moonie apostates who hate truth and light. So I can direct you to the Official Unification Church site so you get the true (sanitized) beliefs and history of it all :) :) :) :)

    now from the dreaded apostate website

    "Steve really is a hero figure, a superman with glasses. It was a near fatal van-accident as a moonie that ultimately led to his freedom from the cult. His parents who were caring for him with casts and broken bones, found someone to help councel him out of the cult. Steve would have none of it, and reports that if he could have walked, he would have jumped out of the second story window to prevent any possibility of disloyalty to his "True Father", Sun Myung Moon (Moon tells his followers that he is their father). After several days of lectures from his councelors about how the Unification Church employed Mind Control techniques to get him to make decisions he ordinarily would not have if left to his own free will, and other information he had not previously known about Sun Myung Moon, still Steve was unwilling to accept what he was hearing. Finally one night, in an emotional encounter with his parents, he screamed out "Look, I don't care if Sun Myung Moon is HITLER! I've chosen to follow him!!". Hearing those stark words from his own lips, startled him, and gave him something to reflect on over the next days. Slowly, as many of us have, he came to the realization that Moon was a fraud. That his church practiced deception to recruit people into it's ranks and that he himself had been deceived and nearly robbed of his entire life!"

    that's all for now.

  • Abaddon


    Source of authority claimed - (Heavenly vision V. One man with another bible interpretation)

    JW's have claimed inspiration, so no difference there.

    Understanding of purpose of life - (Become like God V. Live on perfected earth forever)

    That's minutae; the difference between one fairy story and another. For example;

    • Disinherited girl kept as skivvy, bad step mother and sisters, a good fairy, magic, Prince, happily ever after
    • Girl fleeing death hiding in woods, good dwarves, bad Queen, magic, Price, happily ever after

    The above pair are functionaly identical; threat, escape, isolation from natural place in order of things, dispair, a mystic messenger, magic, a hero and happy resolution.

    Shunning - (LDs actively reach out to those who leave V. Matter of faith not to visit.)

    WRONG and you know it. I am sure that both JW and Mormon Elders feel they reach out to disfellowshipped ones as they 'should'. And both are only really interesed in those disfellowshipped who accept their fault and return meekly. Are all the x-Mormons liars?

    Relationship To Other Faiths - (LDS have no preaching work against other faiths V. JWs regularly producing media detracting from others faith.)

    Oh come now; don't try to hide the true feelings of LDS about other religions. According to the official story of the LDS Church, in 1820 Smith was visited by God the Father and God the Son, after praying about which church he should join. He was told by Jesus, he should join none of them for they were "all wrong" and all the Christian church's doctrines "were an abomination" (Joseph Smith - History 19, Pearl of Great Price). Mormons consider other faiths to be as wrong as JW's consider other faiths to be wrong; all it is is thatMornons are better at PR; so no functional difference in beliefs there

    Path to God - (Faith in Jesus V. Faith in WT)

    How can the path to god be faith in Jesus in an organisation where a human heirachy can rule someone is no longer on path to god? Both organisations have faith in BOOKS and an oligarchal power struture; individuals in both faith my THINK it's all about Jee-SUS!, but that's just conditioning.

    Afterlife - (All get to continue progressing V. All dead until resurrection)

    Minutae; both offer a fantsy "kiss-it-better" solution to human mortality; the doctrines are functionaly identical in what they represent to believers.

    Secular Education - (Encouraged V. Discouraged)

    They encourage it and then ignore it; look at this rubbish;

    The final closing of the bridge between Asia and America would come at the end of the process of separating the landmasses (which might have taken 100 years or 100 million years - it is all the same to God)

    ... I can also cite works by a 9/11 Conspiracy nut and Professor of Bring'em Young University who also believes in the FanstasyFlood.

    How can an organsiation whose beliefs run contrary to scientific fact, but whose ideology is so totalitarian that this is ignored even by educated followers be said to 'encourage it'? The LDS no more encourage education than someone who teaches somone to read and then blinds them encourages reading.

    Family - (Eternal Unit V. Divided - esp. if one anointed)

    Show me the fuctional difference of this belief please. I don't think you can.

    Scripture - (Inspired but corrupted V Inspired and Deified)

    WRONG and you know it, the Morons just base their faith to a large part on a 19th Century fabrication that claims inspiration.

    Revelation - (Ongoing V Stopped)

    I suggest you turn the new light on so you can see better; yup, the Mormons revise their faith and so do the JW's; the justifications they give may be different but it is functionally identical.

    Spirit - (Person V Power)

    And what functional difference is there in this belief? About the same as the two sub-species of zebra I mentioned having slightly different stripes I think.

    Kingdom - (All Areas Of life V Preaching Only)

    If I gave more of a damn I'd cite WT articles saying how all a Dubbie's life should bear Witness. As we all know there are such artciles I'll refrain from citation and assume we can agree both encourage a 'whole-of-life' approach to the practise of their faith.

    Responsibility - (Get Own Witness V. Accept WT Witness)

    Pfff! Come off it. Neither religion cultivates personal responsibility. You might think they do, but hell, yes? and? so? what?

    Celebrations - (Accepted V Banned)

    LOL. JW's have celebrations too, just not Christmas or birthdays. So, no difference.

    Preaching - (2 years mission + lifetime example V Lifetime knocking)

    Minutae; 2 years FULL TIME equals 17 years at 10 hours a month; they both perform the same functionality, i.e. prostylsing.

    There are plenty of similarities

    Yes, I know. And as doctrine is unprovable, you cannot demonstrate any functional difference between the two religions. Both are a niche belief who believe in modern-day inspiration, who prostlyse, who encourage donations to support the religion, who ignore modern science, who revise beliefs at whim on pretexts, and who shun those who speak out of line or defy beliefs.

    There are more similarities between Dubbism and Mormonism than you care to admit.


    And, c'mon people! Isn't his "differences" list pretty clear in showing that there are actually many key differences in major doctrinal points between LDS and JW?

    To someone with knowledge they can differentiate the two. But to external observers they are identical in the nature if not the form of their beliefs and the functional effects (shunning knowledge that conflicts with doctrine, shunning people, etc.) are pretty much identical. I am sure the two sub-speices of zebra are very clear on their differences. To most people they're zebras.

    But do you seriously think cultists will admit to being cultists? Moonie, Mormon or Dubbie, they'll all deny it. Of course you and Qcmbr will!

  • Qcmbr

    Abaddon - though you think yourself clever in your line by line disagreement and attack you aren't. You are just an argumentative person. If I had said that the LDS believe White but the JWs believe Black ALL you would have said in response is: They are both colours Therefore they are not different. I'm sorry but I find you cannot debate well! I have a two year old who uses a similar logic structure to you and it revolves around choosing the opposite position purely for the sake of it. Abaddon - you could write polemic for the WT mags - your good at it. You seem unable to actually agree with ANYTHING. I bet if I cut and pasted a comment from one of your posts ages ago I'd find a rebuttal here.

  • Mary
    Qcmbr I find it amazing that a guest on this site can be made to feel so unwelcome. I thought experience would breed acceptance not intolerance. In my mind I find a perspective on life and my faith from posters here that I cannot get within my own community nor from ex-LDS boards.

    I find this statement rather confusing, Q. If you're a Mormon, why would think you would find a "perspective on life" and your faith on a board made up of ex-Witnesses, that you "cannot get within [your] own community"?

  • kid-A

    "Abaddon - though you think yourself clever in your line by line disagreement and attack you aren't. You are just an argumentative person."

    What a pitiful response Q, but not at all unexpected. This is the best retort you can come up with Abaddon's meticulous and spot-on dissection of your "comparisons"? All you can offer in return are ad hominen attacks, the weapon of choice when the loser of a debate goes into maximum overdrive cognitive dissonance. I'm impressed your fellow mormon, Susan was able to jump in for you though. Instead of infantile whining (inspiration from your avatar?) , why not actually address each of Abaddon's points and attempt to offer a logical rebuttal?

    On a brighter note, I am now convinced that you really are NOT on a recruitment drive, given the hopelessly weak apologetics and hand waving you must resort to when describing your "religion"....

    Sister Susan: Give us a break. Its irrelevant whether LDS, JWs, Scientologists, Moonies, etc etc "differ" at a COSMETIC level....the underlying effects are IDENTICAL: rigid thought control, psychological conformity and acceptance of irrational beliefs based upon the whims of HUMAN "prophets" claiming to speak for "god". To state again the obvious: same sh*t, different pile.

  • james_woods

    I think this whole thread speaks volumes about the similarity of LDS and JW. Let's recap -

    Theocratic Strategy? - look how hard it was for Qcmbr to come clean with everybody here (and check out the number of posts he has on this board).

    Control Freaking? (in both religions) - lets just all go have a cup of coffee.

    Made up your own Bible? - old Green has got nothing on Book of Mormon.

    Ancient Guru? - at least old Russell did not claim the Angel Macaroni came down from heaven and revealed it to him through magic crystqals.

    God is a Woman? (I guess so long as she was not your 13 year old niece).

    I still say this: Mormon-ism is just as fair a game in season as the miserable Watchtower Society. And not too far different as far as grabbing innocent people and making them do as the org pleases.

    I guess thats a good thing about being an independent from Texas - you will not see me prosleytizing some phony faith on this board and then crybabying that I did not feel welcome here.

    James - sick and tired of this whole thread.

  • Qcmbr

    James - stop reading its easy. Kid-A I'm not a pedant like Abaddon nor do I have hours to devote to fools. Mary - 'my' community wouldn't be having this discussion!

  • Qcmbr

    KID-A I find the irony in your position RE ad hominen attacks interesting - I think your left hand is casting stones while the other wags a finger.

  • james_woods

    Q - you posted:

    "nor do I have hours to devote to fools"

    I beg to differ. Apparantly you do. (or maybe that comment quoted was just more English humor by way of Nevada).

    Think about it.


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