Light comes in different frequencies, our mind makes the color, to match different frequencies, we make the color not light. There is no green in light nor red or any other color it is all just frequencies and it is our mind that determine what color our imagination sees it as.
Well, duh.
You are confusing language with the reality.
Our mind doesn't MAKE THE COLOR. We name the part of the light spectrum we see. Our vocabulary for colors, I feel, is rather pathetic. It isn't precise enough. It is mostly a generality.
If you go to any Sherwin Williams paint store they have a device than can "read" any color sample you bring in and mix paint to match it.
A well-trained artist can do the same. I can do it as a matter of fact.
I use to have an etching studio. In California we designed images, transferred them to paper by imprinting them on hand-colored metal plates. They were limited editions. I know color. I was a master inker at one time.