What's the most stupid comment a JW told you?

by JH 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justice-One
    He said that "there wasn't enough blood in lobster to matter".

    It was just a fraction right?

  • Soledad

    They were all stupid. I think the worst one was when an elder, around 1992, stated that then end will be here in less than 10 years. I'm still waiting.


    After throwing their cat out the door for peeing on the carpet:

    "Out there is where the weeping and gnashing of your teeth will be!"



    You cannot work in this department if you have a logo on your shirt.


  • Finally-Free
    "Out there is where the weeping and gnashing of your teeth will be!"

    I said that to a MS once. We were at a bar, got drunk, and got thrown out. I forget why.


  • carla


  • GermanXJW

    When the elder Self-Righteous approached me some weeks after my wife gave birth to our son and reminded me that as a MS wife she is expect to be examplary in service.

  • aarque

    A MS who told me that "all married women should wear girdles" . I was a good dub and never said what was on the tip of my tongue at the time: why is a married man like you looking at other women like that?

    A CO who told a six-year old she was going to die at Armageddon if she couldn't sit still during the meetings.

    An elder's wife discussing who had a better chance at being resurrected: President Kennedy or Martin Luther King (she said JFK because MLK was a reverend)

  • OnTheWayOut
    A CO who told a six-year old she was going to die at Armageddon if she couldn't sit still during the meetings.

    Sounds like something one would say. I would blow up at such a comment, write the WTS, demand an apology.
    I let stupid stuff go by me, but not when it affects kids like that.

  • Kudra

    During the bookstudy (I think it was for the Trinity brochure) our book study conductor said:

    B.C. is for "before christ" and A.D. is for "after death"

    -My mom had to yank my hand down as I (maybe in 6th grade) said to her "that isn't right..."

    btw, the ones about outside is where the weeping and gnashing etc.. are totally hilarious. I am so going to use those.


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