What's the most stupid comment a JW told you?

by JH 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa


    What was a mere 32 year old elder to say in the face of such wisdom?

    "Now, a virgin birth I can believe,

    but three wise men?"

    The stupidest thing an elder ever told me .........and it's a huge long story, the effort I made to get to a meeting while DF, Late, but I was determined to go anyway. Arrived during the song.

    There were NO empty seats whatsoever except on the front row. Thats where I sat. With two of my children, one that had traveled all night from Little Rock to Houston, was driven right to the airpot and boarded a plane (1st flight and alone) flew to San Antonio. I was late, picking him up as I could not figure out HOW to get to the airport. Picked him up and in a huge rush, drove back to Kerrville, an hour away, and made it to the meeting.

    After the meeting, people came up to say hi to me and my kids. One of the elders was expecting me at the meeting. He pulls me asided and says to me, "You might want to sit in the back of the KH, so people will know you are DF."

    I felt like saying .......the next time I come, tell your regulars to sit up front and I will also tattoo the letters DF on my forhead.

    edited to add: lol, sorry for all the typos, I am soooo tired tonight.

  • MinisterAmos

    "I thought you were one of the friends" after I refused to loan money to the PO.

  • Wild_Thing

    When I was a teenager I told my mom that I didn't want to be a witness anymore. Her quote:

    "Sometimes I feel the same way, but there's nothing else out there!"

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    After the child abuse scandal broke, "that really upsets me, the apostates will love to twist this one."

    After confessing my doubts about the religion to someone, "but even if there is just a chance you could see your dead father again, wouldn't you do anything?"

    I've said this one before but..."When people say we are brainwashed, I say yes! My brain has been washed clean!"

    Sorry, can't pick just one. Could go on and on and on....


  • Spectre

    This thread could end up being the longest thread there is. I was at the door with someone who told the "householder", "my god could beat up your god."

  • becca1

    The day after 9/11 a pioneer I worked with came in the office with a huge smile on her face and said: "Isn't it exiting!!! The end must be near", I looked at a man we worked with that was standing nearby glareing at us and felt like I could crawl into a whole.

  • pobthespazz

    Was at a C/A many years ago standing there in my nice new suit , trying to look cool and dapper and this sis comes up to me saying I looked smart etc, and that only JW men dress the best.

  • SirNose586

    One time, I overheard some pioneer sisters talking about which studly Bible characters they would like to marry! "Oh, definitely Joseph, he's so handsome and so principled."

    "I think Daniel would be great, he was so smart and healthy!"

    Of course, I was thinking, "There's no way Joseph would go for ugly broads like yourselves..."

  • mrsjones5

    Overheard a conversation of my mother and a visiting "brother": "You know cops will never make it to the new system."

  • Terry

    Once and awhile my ex-best friend (what else can I call him?) who brought me in to the TRUTH all those years ago, calls me to meet him for breakfast. It doesn't happen often. But, generally he wants to talk about movies, favorite TV shows and any promotion he may have gotten at work. (He obviously can't discuss any of these things with anybody else at the Kingdom Hall.)

    On several occasions he has urged me to return to the Kingdom Hall since I've been disfellowshipped now for 28+ years. Are you ready for this? It isn't so that I can get back into good graces with Jehovah or save my life at Armageddon. He wants me to get re-instanted so he WON'T BE AT RISK for eating breakfast with me!! Yes, he said that. He told me I could get reinstated and then do a slow fade and he would be out of the woods.

    As if that isn't bad enough...

    He told me I need to shave off my very short vandyke chin beard/moustache. Why? Because it doesn't represent what a minister of god should look like. (You see, he tried to grow one once and was admonished to shave it off by an elder.)

    I said this to him: "Johnny, Jesus couldn't be an elder in any Kingdom Hall today with stupid rules like this--did you ever think of that?" I followed up by saying, "Show me a scripture that tells men to remove facial hair to be approved by God and I'll cut it off today and meet you at the Kingdom Hall this evening."

    Needless to say........

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