I intended to attend the Methodist church tonight. But they called and told me that Wed night Bible study would not be held until next week due to a scheduling issue.
So undaunted - as my intention was to attend tonight - I put on my jacket and headed to the local Church of Christ instead.
How different! There were only 6 of us - we sat about an old folding table in a small room at the back of the church. I am 52, and I was indeed young enough to be any of the other attendees son, lol. But there was a genuine humilty for sure. One lady had to be 'picked up' by the elder that conducted the study, and so we got started a few minutes late.
We sang 5 or 6 songs from the songbook - I had never heard or sang any of them before - but joined right in - accupello no less. Then a prayer, that included requests for the president and the nation [that was new to me for sure], and then the 'conducter' had to ask 'where do we start tonight. We then considered in open forum of discussion, about 5 or 6 verses in Proverbs. There was no hurry, no certain amount to cover, no pressure, no hands raised to answer - in fact no questions asked. Just discussion, and frequent humble admission at times that we didn't fully understand what was meant by a certain verse. There was no other written material considered, and no 'right or wrong' responses.
Then a final prayer was given, and we dismissed. I was invited to come back some time, and I might. They gave me a 'handbook' that explains what that church teaches. I might look it over - but I really do not put to much interest in doctrine nowadays - I just wish fellowship with other believers.
It was quite nice. Another link of the Watchtower mental chain broken. Amen.