Just attended my first 'Church event' in over 40 years! Maybe two!

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I started attending a local church before I turned in my letter of resignation, and it was a good one! Got me started in ministry and I took off from there. Lots of healing went on, especially during worship and singing time. Cleanses the soul!

    All part of the healing, Randy. First step in the ministry I have discussed with you by email.

    I was surprised by the accapella singing in the Bible study tonight. Then I look a the Church of Christ manual they gave me and see that is part of the belief system in that church. If the six voices around that little ricketty table we used tonight is any indication - then a 'joyful niose to the Lord' is about all that He should expect. LOL


  • lovelylil


    I am very happy for you! You will find the church experience very different from the KH. I attend several different churches periodically and I like all of them. I'm not a regular at any, still looking for the one I feel most home in. But one thing is for sure, I always leave feeling refreshed and upbuilt instead of guilty and downtrodden like I did when I left the KH.

    It takes some time getting used to the differences and the fact that we may not agree with everything we hear. The WT had us thinking that we HAD to all be in agreement with every letter of the Bible but this is a wrong view. The Apostle Paul said we see things "in a hazy mirror" and that where we disagreed on doctrine, our LOVE would suffice to settle the matter.

    About women in the Church - the WT has a practically "stone age" view of women. The whole organization is like a good ol'boys club and the women are placed in such a subservient position spiritually which is wrong according to the scriptures. In the Bible, women were used extensively in both in the OT and NT. They were prophetesses, deaconesses, evangelizers, were Spirit Anointed just like the men, opened their homes up for services, ministered to the Lord, many of Jesus disciples were women, Paul praised many of them for their faith, etc.

    I wrote an article about women in the early church and you can find it on the freeminds site under "womens issues". Or, if you'd like, pm me your email address again and I will email a copy to you. It may help "ease" your feelings about women taking the lead in the church. Peace, Lilly

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Lilly -

    Actually I don't feel much concern over women in the church taking a lead. It is different - but different is good at this point, as I stretch the envelope.

    The Methodist church that I was planned on attending this evening has a lady pastor. I haven't met her, but I am surprised at my own 'liberal view' of this and how little it concerns me after 40 years of bOrg mentallity. My perspective has become, that if Jesus considers men and women alike as equal sharers in the Kingdom, why does it matter the gender of His earthly followers in acts of any kind of worship. Still it is something to get used to for a former witness.

    I have now been in church twice in the past 2 weeks. And not one demon has attacked me.

    I was surprised at the content of the prayers said tonight, for the president and for 'our boys in Iraq', and 'our country'. Still, even that was not a negative to me, just different.

    Freedom in Christ is Great isn't it?


  • lovelylil

    Very well said Jeff, Lilly

  • andyviw

    What were they afraid that you would hear there?Its interesting to see the wtbts only uses the most negitive of comments about other christians.

    I'm sure they would be shocked at the sincerity and beauty of the truth that exists outside their own littleworld. I love my church Mount hope assembly,were involved in to many outreach programs to even mention,also Alpha and dicipling new believers.Not to mention the joy of worshipping in the Spirit and praising God for his marvelous love through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savoior. After you have suffered awhile the God of all

    underserved kindness who called you to share in his glory will himself make you strong ,and he will finish your training. Keep up the good work

    and remember that nothing has been lost out of either ther Son's or the Father's hand,they are ONE! God Bless. Andy

  • andyviw

    What were they afraid that you would hear there?Its interesting to see the wtbts only uses the most negitive of comments about other christians.

    I'm sure they would be shocked at the sincerity and beauty of the truth that exists outside their own littleworld. I love my church Mount hope assembly,were involved in to many outreach programs to even mention,also Alpha and dicipling new believers.Not to mention the joy of worshipping in the Spirit and praising God for his marvelous love through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savoior. After you have suffered awhile the God of all

    underserved kindness who called you to share in his glory will himself make you strong ,and he will finish your training. Keep up the good work

    and remember that nothing has been lost out of either ther Son's or the Father's hand,they are ONE! God Bless. Andy

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