[continued]: Jesus described it as the 'laying of heavy burdens on men's shoulders,' burdens that the religious leaders would not budge with one of their fingers. (Matthew 23:4) Ultimately their zeal for ruling on all possible applications of the Law brought them into conflict with God's Word, as the traditions they developed in applying that Law resulted in nullifying the more vital principles of that Word. (Matthew 15:1-9) Their extreme focus on law inevitably caused them to become self-righteous, priding themselves on their superior obedience and their various abstentions. As a result they became judgmental of others who did not measure up to their standards and adhere to the interpretations of law they developed and the program of routine acts of piety they performed. They "trusted in themselves that they were righteous and...considered the rest as nothing." [Luke 18:1-14, compare John 7:49.]
I believe that ancient pattern can be seen in modern times, with virtually identical results.