It does no good. I don't understant it - who do they think they're foolin'?
I have just been listening to the judicual committee that disfellowshipped Rick and Laverne Townsend and it is cringeworthy, to say the least, to listen to them cover-up, distort and outright lie about the sources of their information and the real background to their dissent.
I know that people can often read through back copies of the WT publications, and it is certainly possible for people sometimes to stumble upon the same sorts of ridiculous statements to which to take objection. At the same time it is fair to say that apostates have a regular stock of favourite quotations and debating points to the extent that there is a clear network of dependence and "intertextuality" to use a snazy word, in apostate discourse, so that it is fairly easy to recognise someone who has immersed themselves in the discourses and been convinced by apostate "narratives", as it were.
So why then the perennial insistence by so many apostates (such as is clearly the case with the Townsends) that all the problems in Watchtower history and chronology and history you spotted yourself, and never borrowed any of it from apostates or opposers? Why not just admit you read Jonsson and that that is where you convinced that the Witness chronology is wrong for this or that reason? Why not admit it was apostate literature that alerted you to the Kingdom Ministry that commened people for selling their homes before 1975. and so on? I have seen it so often from apostates that they really want to hide the fact that they got their new ideas from apostate literature. They are desperate to pretend that every point against the Watchtower they thought up themselves, every damning quote from 1906 - no matter how incredible that they actually sourced it themselves - they are adamant they found it through their own "research"? Why is this? Why not come clean and admit that you read some apostate literature and that is where you got the quotes and were alterted to the discrepancies? Where is the shame in that? I think it would be in the interest of all concerned.
Who do you think you're foolin'?