Why do apostates lie about where they get their information?

by slimboyfat 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • 2112

    Thinking about this a bit more I realized it is a catch 22 situation. If you read, hear, learn anything about the WT abd it is not in line with current teaching it is apostate. Even if all you read is WT material if it is out of date they will concider it apostate.

  • dedpoet

    What a provocative thread title SBF!

    So you listen to one couples jc hearing, surmise that they are being dishonest, and decide to tar most or all apostates with the same brush, without presenting any real evidence to support your assertion. Little wonder that some posters see you as a troll SBF, because this, and several other ad hominem attacks you have made on this forum do resemble troll - like tactics. Personally, I don't see you as a troll - a hypocrite perhaps, the jury is still out on that one, but not a troll. Actually, I did a little research myself into your previous posts, and you sure like to use the A word, don't you? Around 20% of your topic titles contain the word apostate, and it features prominently in your opening lines on several more.

    I don't really see why it matters whether or not people reveal where they got the information that caused them to leave the wts or not, and I fail to see their not saying where they got it is an act of dishonesty on their part. You have referred to yourself as an agnostic on this forum, and as someone who no longer fully believes in wts doctrine. I just wonder, if your views ever get back to your elders, what you would say at a jc? Would you be honest about your sources? I suppose it will depend on whether you care about being df'd or not at the time.

    As for me, I didn't do any research when I was exiting the wts. I didn't need to, the lack of love, gossip within the congregation and outright lies of the elders were all to obvious to me at the time. Any research I've done since has merely confirmed to me that my decision to leave the wts in 1999 was a correct one. The only research I do these days is for articles for my anti - jw website, and I usually use Quotes for that, which is, I am sure you know, a site that contains only excerpts from wts publications. The local jws refer to me as being an apostate, and it's a title I'm more than happy to accept, and much prefer to the ones I held as a jw, like pioneer or ministerial servant.

  • Leolaia

    Prejudice....thanks frankiespeakin, that was the word I was trying to think of.

  • slimboyfat

    I was reading through my history and came across this. What a stupid thread, and my spelling was as bad as ever. Interesting responses though.

    This thread nearly got me banned as a troll. I was put on "posting restrictions" that were not lifted until a couple of months ago in fact. I don't know why.

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