I am nothing if not totally honest in this matter, CoCo!
I was a very foolish JW woman. Maybe I'm still foolish, but certainly NOT JW!
I used to look down on my husband because he refused to be involved in JW crap. He refused to give talks, go out in service and finally go to meetings. He refused to go clean the car park while holding our baby when an elder told him to. He refused to give prayers at the group when asked. Infact he said NO to every thing any JW asked him to do. I thought he was bad and spiritually weak. I ignored the fact that he worked hard constantly to look after me and our five children. I thought he was stupid because he wouldn't read Watchtower Shit! Infact it is going to set me off crying again to think how I used to feel about the best man in the world.......literally the best man in the world, simply because of what the p%$!ing WTBTS said. I used to look down on him compared to the JW men who today I see for what they are.....but also, in a kinder way for what they might have been if they had not been brainwashed into a cult.
My husband always knew that the WTBTS was BS! He tried to tell me, very kindly. But I would not listen to him! I was a fool!
These sorts of articles POISON and are POISON to good marriages.
I'm so lucky that my husband forgave me for the way I would get mad with him about Watchtower issues. I am SO lucky!!!
You are so right, CoCo! Marriage is hard enough, as it is! Once you add the ludicrous restrictions and instructions of the Watchtower, two people who may have had a real chance of happiness together are pitted against eachother in an unnatural position of one being superior to the other.
My husband NEVER thought of me as in subjection to me and I was a difficult wife on purpose because I was fighting NOT him, but the WTBTS rules which I always found offensive even though I was stupid enough to think they were right because they were in that silly old book!
Time moves on and we can't have yesterday again. But now that I know, deep inside know, that I am equal we are totally happy!
Does that make sense?
Many marriages will not be so lucky!