Women are in subjection to their husbands and to the Elders!!!!!

by Gill 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diamondblue1974
    Men Often use Religion in General to Keep Women Under Control. It's not jut the JWs.

    Totally agreed and I will post later on this when I come back.

    Yes Gill even as a man my blood is boiling! In the meantime however and given that I havent yet received this magazine so cannot see for myself, did they provide a scriptural reference to the point about women being in subjection to the elders? Gary
  • free2beme

    Don't you know, Woman are just for making babies and house cleaning? They are the lesser vessel and that means they are weak and not as smart as men, so their thoughts mean less and they do not have the skills to teach or make a difference in this world.

    Agatha Christie - Not smart enough to even write a book

    Amelia Earhart - Was so weak, she could not do anything but make babies.

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    Rosa Parks - Knew her place and never made a stand

    Anne Frank - Never wrote anything, and was subject to what ever the men in high offices told her

    Marie Curie - Never did anything to better mankind, knew she was a woman and should remain silent and at home

    Mother Teresa - Knew her place was to do nothing, unless a man told her too

    Eleanor Roosevelt - Knew a woman was suppose to not do anything that would help her government

    Sacagawea - Knew men should lead and not woman, as they know more

    Thank goodness these woman were not raised Jehovah's Witnesses or the world might be a far darker place.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Good post, free2beme.

  • SirNose586

    Free2beme, your post reminded me of a bumper sticker I once saw: "Well-behaved women rarely make history."

    Too true. I'm gonna add to your list Harriet Tubman and Oprah.

  • Schism

    Great post free2be!

    I want to add Jane Goodall to it as well. She cares enough to stand up for what she believes in, and I've always admired her!

  • juni

    Yeah! and how about Rosy standing up to Donald Trump the egomaniac?

    Rosy gets on my nerves, but it was good seeing Trump squirm.

    For quite a few men they love the "headship" rule and abuse their wife and family. You can demand respect all day, but if you don't earn it then you are deceiving yourself.

  • Gill

    Diamondblue - The scriptures for why women should subject themselves to the elders are 1 Timothy 2 : 12, 13 and Hebrews 13:17.

  • LittleToe

    It's articles like that that make divided homes so difficult to live in. It's almost impossible for a relationship to survive when it is being undermined by "spiritual heads" outside of the family unit. This is a reminder that bugs me, as it was something similar that led to the downfall of my marriage!

    Beyond that, I find it incredible that folks can still believe and act that way in the modern age. I was joking about it only last night, while watching a re-run of the cartoon that humorously depicted conditions in Saudi Arabia. You don't generally tend to compare Western nations to those in the Middle East, but some of the underlying attitudes still prevail.

    The ability to be a leader is not determined by a single Y chromosome!

  • Confession

    Oh my. Do we really have to put Rosie O'Donnell in the same light as Marie Curie and Amelia Earhart?

  • restrangled

    This topic reminds me of the time a woman at our hall had the elders come to talk to her husband about the beatings he was giving her. Her entire chest and back would be black and blue on a regular basis. When the elders arrived, they called her on the carpet and wanted to know what she was doing to get these beatings, perhaps not respecting his "headship"?

    She was read scriptures to be in subjection.

    As far as the latest blatherings from the GB...sounds as if Rutherford is dictating from the grave.


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