Don't you know, Woman are just for making babies and house cleaning? They are the lesser vessel and that means they are weak and not as smart as men, so their thoughts mean less and they do not have the skills to teach or make a difference in this world.
Agatha Christie - Not smart enough to even write a book
Amelia Earhart - Was so weak, she could not do anything but make babies.

Rosa Parks - Knew her place and never made a stand
Anne Frank - Never wrote anything, and was subject to what ever the men in high offices told her
Marie Curie - Never did anything to better mankind, knew she was a woman and should remain silent and at home
Mother Teresa - Knew her place was to do nothing, unless a man told her too
Eleanor Roosevelt - Knew a woman was suppose to not do anything that would help her government
Sacagawea - Knew men should lead and not woman, as they know more
Thank goodness these woman were not raised Jehovah's Witnesses or the world might be a far darker place.