Sorry to hear about that, Confession!
I suppose the misunderstood comment on the dress was just the trigger then.
Perhaps a lot of triggers will be squeezed if any JW man tries to put these two articles into practice in their homes!
by Gill 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry to hear about that, Confession!
I suppose the misunderstood comment on the dress was just the trigger then.
Perhaps a lot of triggers will be squeezed if any JW man tries to put these two articles into practice in their homes!
Fullofdoubtnow - These really are two truly terrible, oppressive articles that the WTBTS has been stupid enough to print.
They are extremely mysogynistic. Infact, frighteningly so when you have women members of your family already trapped in the cult, and already oppressed by their husbands.
I know that there are very good men in the world who would never take note of such directions anyway, I happen to be married to one such man so I have faith in some men....but there are far too many in the WT Society who will make their wives lives hell with these awful articles!
"submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men"..... Spiritually qualified as measured by what and by whom?
Gill, I know what you mean. There are jws I know who would never have acted on the "counsel" found in the portions of these two articles. I don't think I'd want to read either of them in their entireity, I would probably get mad with myself that I ever got duped into joining such a repressive organisation.
I showed my bf the snippets you provided and asked him what he thought, his answer is unprintable, but he did say that he would never have acted in such a way when he was a jw, and no decent man, whether jw or not, would do either. Both of us, however, can think of a few jws, particularly some of the elders in the cong we were in, who will probably try to apply this. I feel more pity for their wives now than I did previously.
Good question, Poppers!
Do you still submit to them if they're having affairs with two other women apart from their wives for nearly 25 years?
Do you submit to them when they're having an affair with a young woman whose mother has just died?
Do you submit even though they're fiddling their taxes?
Do you submit to them even when they've got their hand in the contribution box?
People never find out about these 'spiritually qualifies' men's misdeeds for many, many years. During all that time, do you submit to a possibly under educated, arrogant ass window washer?
Count me out!
I'd rather submit to a turkey!
Fullofdoubtnow - My mother has been married to just such an arrogant man for 42 years now! My father will 'beat' her mercilessly with this crapola!!!!
But doesn't it make you wonder what kind of sick mind wrote this shit?!
'Although subjection can be challenging, women can welcome it as honorable, even as did Jesus. While his subjection to God involved suffering, including death on a torture stake, he found joy in being submissive to God. Women can look to Jesus as an example, for the Bible says, 'The head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of Christ is God.' Significantly, however, it is not only when women marry that they come under the headship of men.
'The Bible explains that women, whether married or single, should submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men who exercise oversight in the Christian congregation. When women follow God's direction to do so, they set an example for the angels in God's organization arrangement. In addition, older married women, by their fine example and helpful suggestions, teach younger women to 'subject themselves to their own husbands.'
It's interesting that there are no supporting scriptures documented or even cited which prove that "the Bible explains that women, whether married or single, should submit to the headship of spiritually qualified men who exercise oversight in the Christian congregation."
On the other hand, it's refreshing to know that the criteria of "spiritually qualified men" eliminates a lot of Ministerial Servants™, Elders™, Circuit Overseers™, and District Overseers™. We all know that the main characteristic that gets many of these jerks Appointed™ is their having a penis. The second most common trait is being related to someone else who has already been Appointed™. "Spiritually qualified" rarely enters the picture.
Scully -
Exactly what my husband said!
So wait a minute. The angels, who are are perfect (aren't they?) NEED OUR EXAMPLES!? That's such bullsh*t.
Isn't in amazing that the angels and Joe have nothing better to do than watch our examples. Here they are powerful angels that can zoom and fly all over the universe, but yet the angels and Joe are going to be stumbled if we put on a poor show for them. Poor angels and Joe.
Men Often use Religion in General to Keep Women Under Control. It's not jut the JWs.
Because that's why religion was invented (imho of course) or at least one of the big reasons it was. What better way to get women to do what men want than tell them the most high person in the universe (Joe), who also happens to be the one that created them, will hate them, which will make them lose out on whatever comes next (paradise, heaven, yadda yadda).
On the other hand, it's refreshing to know that the criteria of "spiritually qualified men" eliminates a lot of Ministerial Servants™, Elders™, Circuit Overseers™, and District Overseers™. We all know that the main characteristic that gets many of these jerks Appointed™ is their having a penis. The second most common trait is being related to someone else who has already been Appointed™. "Spiritually qualified" rarely enters the picture.
Don't forget the ones that put on a good show, like a peacock spreading its feathers. Also, the ones that kiss *** the best and with the most force. At our hall there wasn't really anyone related to each other that were MS or elders. It was just the ones that were yes men and kissed PO butt with the most anticipation and enthusiasm.