Women are in subjection to their husbands and to the Elders!!!!!

by Gill 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • J-ex-W

    Notice this nice little twist? Women "set the example for the angels" by submitting to the male spiritual heads of the congregation. So here we have women, who are lower than men, placed somehow above the angels...though men are "a little lower than the angels"...in a very distorted twist of logic that will likely have some very faithful, milquetoast sisters bending themselves into a pretzel to understand this doctrine in a way that does not leave them feeling lower than a dog...but somehow, raises them up as examples to the angels? HUH????!!!!

    Yes, sisters...you can feel better that no one with a penis gives ear or honor to you, because all manner of winged-creatures are intensely watching with bated breath, ready to mimic your every move!

  • blondie

    Actually, women in the WTS are no more in subjection to the elders than their JW husbands are. Single JW women are no more in subjection to the elders than single JW men are. Elders do not exercise any more headship over women in any more measure than they do over the men in the congregation. The only man who exercises more headship in a JW woman's life is her husband (JW or non-JW) or her father if she is a minor living at home.

    That is why when the elders talk to or counsel a JW woman who has a JW husband, the husband must be present. Otherwise if the elders had more authority than the husband, he would not be asked to be present.

    Actually, it can work to your advantage. If you are a single woman, really Christ is your head just like he is the head of a single man. Only if a woman is married, does it become woman then husband, then Christ. Notice that Paul did not insert the elders into this authority structure. The elders have to go through the husband and do not have any direct authority over a married woman.


  • truthsearcher

    Hi Scully:

    What is repugnant and disturbing about the Watchtower's stance is that, in the case of a religiously divided household - where the husband is not a JW (especially if he is an ex-JW) and the wife is a JW - is that they are laying a foundation for the congregation Elders™ to interfere in the marriage and usurp the husband's place.

    It gives the Elders™ licence to be busybodies and require the JW wife to report so-called wrongdoing on the part of the husband, especially in instances where "doubts" regarding JW beliefs might be construed as Apostacy™. If the Elders™ believe that the husband has become Apostate™, they can urge the wife to leave the marriage on the grounds of Spiritual Endangerment™.

    I find this unbelievably alarming and disturbing. The union of man and wife was established in Genesis long before the church was established. It is another example of how Scripture is twisted in the hands of a cult to inflict even more damage upon people. Can they point to one shred of biblical evidence for this? Really, how dare they make the marriage an unsafe and unstable place? I truly am sorry for those of you who have been or are currently in that situation. I assure you this is not "Jehovah's loving arrangement".

  • blondie

    Notice how the WTS speaks out of both sides of their mouth when talking about 1 Corinthians 11:10: *** w72 7/15 p. 447 Woman's Regard for Headship-How Demonstrated? *** There is good reason for Christian women to give due consideration to wearing a head covering when the occasion calls for it. As the apostle Paul pointed out, this is to be done "because of the angels." (1 Cor. 11:10) Yes, it is the privilege of Christian women to be a good example to the angels in their own loyal subjection to Jehovah God and his reigning King, Jesus Christ. This does not mean that the angels learn from the good example of Christian women. Millions of angels loyally subjected themselves to God long before man was created and they continue to do so. However, just as we draw encouragement from the good example of fellow believers, so the angels delight in seeing women that rightly view headship.

  • kls
    older married women, by their fine example and helpful suggestions, teach younger women to 'subject themselves to their own husbands.'

    Yep, i will get right on it telling my daughters to kiss their boyfriends/husbands asses .....LOL I can't even tell you what they would tell me to do with that, if i even ever thought of suggesting that to them

    Thats my girls

  • sammielee24

    Are you sure that the GB haven't been in some heavy talks with the rulers of the Taliban? I swear that if the GB had their way, women would be covered head to toe, walk quietly, whisper when spoken to and never leave the house unless accompanied by a man. I have no doubt they would include in that, the right to stone the members in accordance with whatever scripture they choose to back it up with from the OT. Perhaps the aim of the society isn't to expand its membership, rather perhaps by making their world smaller and controlling it more, they can actually divest all the property and other assets they have and the remaining GB can live out their lives in great comfort still supported by the remaining faithful few. If I really believed in Satan, I'd say he's got the watchtower society in his jaws and he's having a feast! sammieswife.


    Women,Husbands and Elders are in subjection to the WBT$..The Members of the WBT$ couldn`t find thier own ass,with both hands and a map..Be carefull who you give your life to...OUTLAW

  • plmkrzy

    While his subjection to God involved suffering, including death on a torture stake, he found joy in being submissive to God.

    So whats the point here?

    Find joy in being a battered wife

  • Gill

    Shadows of 'The Handmaids' Tale' here!

    plmkrzy - I did think the same as you with that big of crapola. Why would being submissive to a husband involve suffering? Interesting! Take being abused on the chin, ladies!

    Though I can't remember which issue of the Watchtower it was, (if my dear hear husband sees the Watchtower and Awake around he throws them away, as they make him cross..) but it was either last, November or December there was another whole issue on men and women keeping 'in their places'.

    The FDS must believe that women are stepping out of line and are in need of 'counselling' by those in 'charge' either their husbands or NOW, the Elders.

    Women are getting a very raw deal now from the WTBTS. I wonder why?

  • Schism

    Because they are terrified. Who knows, maybe one day soon (a long time coming), we will have a female president and she will help to make the world a little bit better, then the dubs won't look at the "world" like it's something evil. With men in charge now, it's easy for the WTS to paint the world in evil an evil light!

    LOL, yeah I highly doubt the above scenario could ever happen...

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