The Dragon - Are we accountable? You can believe that you are 'forgiven' for whatever reason you choose but, I think we are accountable and that Karma, or 'what goes around comes around' is a fact of life.
Whether this is a 'divine justice' or 'just the way it is' I haven't a clue BUT I can't help noticing that everything you do and don't do seems to come back and bite you in the butt one way or another.
As for 'misleading' people, even if you feel you are right, yes, I think you are accountable.
One way, or another, it's going to find you, it's gonna get ya, get ya, get ya....!
It is perhaps time that 'Faith is a Virute' was understood to be not the case.
Religions stand aloof to the harms that they can do their 'faithful' because we believe that people should have whatever faith or belief structure they want....and fair a certain degree. But, the minute a 'Faith' causes any harm then it should be questioned.....whether it be the blood policy of one religion, or the Jihad or crusade of another.
'Faith' should be accountable and needs solid and provable foundations which is something that no religion has.