Hmmmmm.... Hey all you would have to do is believe that we were ALWAYS at war with Eurasia. (A reference to the book 1984...and if you ever had any dealings with or were a JW, it is a MUST read!)
Your Feelings On Getting Reinstated For Family Considerations
by minimus 102 Replies latest jw friends
Minimus said: Let me explain why I say he might not want to come here.....what if he "gets caught"? .....being here....with "apostates"??? What if he's reported by his family or friends for anything that he might voice or throw up over because he frequents apostate boards and can't help but show his dissapproval over what he KNOWS to be baloney?
Just to clarify: His entire family knows he's an 'apostate' and they know he been on this site for years. He's not hiding anything.
I just wish him all the best.
Wow it's hard ... what a choice !!!
Take care ((((Gumby)))) ... -
This is so hard - I feel for Gumby. I think in some ways it must be harder if it is your children and grand-children left in, rather than your parents or siblings. Someone I know started going back to be reinstated so he could be with his children again. He only lasted three months and then couldn't stand it anymore. I think he was torn between the desperate love for his kids and believing it is all bulls**t and felt that his going back was validation for others eg "He is coming back because it is the "Truth" ". That's the hardest part I reckon - seeing everyone look smug in their "rightness" and thinking you have finally seen the error of your ways. I couldn't do it personally, but I don't blame anyone for trying.
I can totally understand it, in fact I can relate. Right now I am going through something similar. I was df about a year and a half ago because at the time I had doubts but still felt an obligation to the borg for some reason, so I ratted on myself, STUPID!!!!! Shortly after I was df I read "Crisis" and all my doubts were cleared up, but by then it was too late. I have a very large family in the borg, with extended fam it was like 80 something in cali alone. Most of my immediate fam will talk to me but they won't come visit and I can't really visit them and it bothers them to talk to me much. So I am also in the process of trying to get reinstated and it sucks. It's so brutally boring. At times I can't help but laugh. The worst part is I don't even know if they will let me back in because I have already been red flagged, when I first read "Crisis" I was pretty vocal about it to a couple of "brothers" that I had buisness dealings with in my old hall. I plan on going back and then fading because it won't bother my family to associate with me if I am inactive I'll just have to deal with the occassional "encouragement". I don't plan on lying to the elders but they're pretty dumb so it wont take much to evade their questions without them knowing. It is terrible to have to go through this though but at this point I dont really see an alternative that wont absolutely crush my family. I guess it's better for me to go thruogh this than to put them through what it would if I didn't.
I can understand why some would be tempted to fold under the emotional pressure to rejoin the 'collective'. Indeed, their shunning procedure is intended to have such a result.
But there is no way that I could possibly be intellectually dishonest enough to pretend to agree with doctrines that I know absolutely to be false. Unlike the 'believers' who 'know' their beliefs are true because they believe them, I know they are wrong because of facts.
It was enough of an ordeal getting out... why the hell would I want to put myself through more of the same???
searchingfortruth said: The worst part is I don't even know if they will let me back in because I have already been red flagged, when I first read "Crisis" I was pretty vocal about it to a couple of "brothers" that I had buisness dealings with in my old hall.
Searching, if the elders know you read CoC, you're going to have to kiss major ass to get back in. You could always plead depression or temporary insanity or some such drivel, but you have to be at every single meeting, with your articles studies for who knows how long. Reading 'apostate' literature is, of course, the absolute worse thing a person can do. Far more serious than molesting a child or even murder.
Disfellowshipping works for the witnesses because of the emotional ties between family members and especially children and parents. I have never been in those shoes and hope that I never will but I don't hold it against anyone who would go back just to talk to family.
I fear that it is only a matter of time until the congregation would catch on for this reason and it would have been a waste of time as they would never reinstate me or kick me out again, if I ever had to do that.
I feel sorry for those who feel as if they have to do so just to talk to family. It gives further proof that their JC are not backed by HS as the HS would be telling the elders not to reinstate them because of bad motives.
Needless to say - all the very best to Gumby - a big JWD favourite of mine. What intrigues me is the issue we often talk about, that of monitoring of this site by the Borg. If you're so bad for reading apostate literature then what does it make you if you actually write it!? Surely if we are being spied on then how on earth could Gumby be reinstated? They must know who he is, where his Cong is and what he's said about them in the past?