Hi Terry,
I guess I've only met persons of faith who expect something in return for their worship like, healing, everlasting life, heaven, etc. ... Proving one's love is testing one's one's faith. Seems to me I recall that as being considered a good thing in scripture. (i.e. Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are.)
While there is some truth to what you stated, the phrasology you used comes comes from the NWT. You may find that the KJV, NIV, etc. provided a more balanced rendering. The Society will always select the phrasing that places the load on people, but misses the thrust of the text. The concept of expecting something in return for worship, or faith, or love is almost strictly a JW teaching. In their world, one works hard for God so that God will grant one everlasting life in Paradise.
So-called "unconditional love" would be a travesty. Why? It would be unjust. Showering love on a person who did not deserve it would constitute waste; like giving money to a spendthrift. ... Tossing pearls before swine is, as I recall, considered a bad thing to do.
In that case, Jesus Christ should have stayed in heaven and written us off ... because we really did not deserve God's love and sacrifice. The Society translate it as God's "undeserved kindness" which makes the point ... but, the preferred translation in most Bibles speaks of God's grace. Both mean the same, but grace packs a better punch.
Faith and love need definition or else they are just floating concepts and can mean anything at all at anytime to anybody anywhere. Look at the "faithful" Muslim terrorists who blow themselves up or the "faithful" Christians of past wars.
Not sure what you mean or how this is relevant to why I have faith in God. I would never blow myself up and harm others just to get 72 virgins and kill enemies. I might sacrifice my life to protect others in immitation of Christ. Nothing in my commentary suggest an undefined or floating definition of love.
With respect to unconditional love, giveing it is never a waste. Love is not a commodity like money that we dole out by measure and use it to barter for what we want. If that were the case, then we would no love those who have nothing to give in return, because they would only spnd our love and not give back. Jesus said to show love and NOT expect anything in return. That is the test of genuine love, verses the phoeny kind that only seeks its own interests.
Jim Whitney