Jim, and thank you for taking my post in the way I intended...indeed, in the way I fully expected that you'd take it!
Your profile today says that you are 54-years, 8-months, and 29-days old. Counting leap-years, this converts to approximately 19,993-days old. If you started praying every day since the day you were born, you would have initiated at least 5 prayers (conversations) per day. That is an impressive record. And, after all of that, God has never once answered a single prayer? ... Or do you mean that he never engaged in literal human-style two-way conversation with you?
There were stretches of months that I prayed every hour on the half-hour. As an explanation: Like you, I too thought, for a period of about 10 years, that I was one of the anointed. The set-up for that came when I was 16, sitting in my bedroom, and praying with the absolute sincerity and conviction that is typical for a teenage true believer. Among many other things, I prayed that, if God saw fit, he would accept me as a candidate for heavenly life. I felt an ecstatic response, a tingling in my whole body, as if He had acknowledged my sensitivity.
That feeling came back around to me when I was in the process of being reinstated (some 12 years later). As I sat, alone, df'd, in the chairs at a District Assembly, I suddenly felt another ecstasy, with the conviction that God had, after my trials and tribulations of df'ing for apostasy and reluctant request for readmittance to the church of His Chosen People, decided that I was indeed worthy of an invitation to see Him.
I was so convinced (and by now, far more than a teenager), that I told my family and closest friends, and discussed it openly with my first wife (now deceased) and another of the anointed (Lake Oswego congregation...he is also now deceased).
However, based on the pressure from my family and friends, and from a good measure of embarrassment, I never partook.
So, in answer to your question: In all that time, I never heard a word from God.
I am now convinced that it was my own imagination, based on my overwhelming need to be approved according to the standards of the Bible, and even more, according to the standards of the Watchtower Society, the Society in which I was raised, that virtually thrust me in the direction (psychologically speaking) of yearning for, grasping for, and (in my own mind) finally finding a way for) the fulfillment of that need.
If what you have been doing is not working, then by now do you think it is time to stop doing it?...I suppose that God has the capability of doing something like that by being in multiple locations at the same time, and taking in all the conversation at the same time.
My point exactly. I stopped doing it, and there was no difference in my life. And God (insofar as I have conjured up His Being to be) certainly does have the ability to answer me, as well as all the other 10s of billions of people that have prayed to him. He chooses silence, and then (as I am in his image), so can I choose silence...perhaps, the clay to the potter, but what's the potter without clay?
Again, thanks for understanding the posture I am taking here...and I agree with you and others--a topic about 'how God communicates' with His creatures would be a very interesting discussion.