There was a disfellowshipped JW that came to the Witness Now for Jesus convention in Pennsylvania. We all tried to show him the error of the JW way but he is just so blinded that he couldn't understand what the problem is with JWs (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!) We tried until we were blue in the face and it seemed that with every step we went forward with him one day, we went back two the next. We all just decided that God was going to have to work in his heart for him to change because nothing we said made any difference. He sent me a letter yesterday that brought me to tears. I'm over it now because I know he's a inconsiderate unloving person that deserves to be a JW!! But here is the letter. And I don't know where he got some of this stuff. Like the comment that I think JWs might have the truth... I DO NOT! Read. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------ I hope I did not upset you. But you need to know these things. The world is coming to an end. I know you heard it all before, but so did the Christians and Jews in Jerusalem when the Romans came. If you think about it, it really does not matter if we are true Christians because we would be conducting ourselves in a rightious manner all the time, not just because the end of the world is around the corner. But then again we have Jesus warning as to not knowing when the master will return. If you think (based on your e-mail to me) that maybe JW's have the truth? Well better make sure before you lock yourself into this committment of marriage to an outsider. You know, "Do not become unevenly yoked"? Maybe it would be good to get away from that group which has similarities to JW's but are not. Looks like a spiders trap to me. Sweet smelling and an image of what was lost. Personally, I do not see what the problem is. I mean truthfully. I know these Witnesses for Jesus people are totally wrong. Especially all those who think they are going to heaven. Not a realistic thought process to me. I also, do not think for a minute he is going to pick anyone from there to rule over men. Especially not you nor I. What kind of rulers would we be. We are hippocrites. Fornicators and all that. If we think that somehow we will be differant people from how we act on earth, well that is rediculous. To think otherwise would be to call God and his son fools. Which they are not. He is picking the best to rule with his son. How could it be otherwise. Unless you think God is stupid. There is only one way that the world will be repaired. That is by having those who do what is right, no matter how hard it is who demonstrated this while on earth. Even when it means that we might be married to someone who is cruel, dishonest or whatever. Yes, even beatings. You can seperate from a marriage partner but are not free to remarry unless the divorce is on proper grounds like Jesus said. Think carefully before making any decisions. You are an attractive girl. OK A little fat. But that is within your control to change. It only requires a strong will. Eat less and exercise. I lost 70 lbls once I stopped making excuses. It also raised my self esteem in that regard when I accomplished my goal. You can do almost anything you set your mind to. But that will not happen if you look for excuses and alternatives. Yes, this also applies to me. I am a hippocrite. I am not a Christian. Although I do know more than the average man or woman. But knowing makes me worse than non believers and Christian Pagans. If we live in sin deliberately and yet teach others, his anger will blaze against us. Sometimes, without being sure, we attack his people. All those who have attacked Gods people have what they think are good reasons for not believing they are his chosen people. But they were wrong then and they are wrong now. May Jehovah God and his Son Jesus show you he way. Yes, I still believe Jesus is Gods son and Jehovah is his father. Yes, there also seems to be a third person. Arrangements have been made for those three to help us. A trio yes. A Trinity no. Again I state for the record, that if God wanted to be view as a Trinity, he would have made sure that this word was in the bible. But I think that it is pretty clear that he did not want to be associated this way. And when Jesus said, "The father is greater than I am" and said also "Concerning that day and hour, no one knows, neither the son, nor the angels in heaven, but only the father". He meant just what he said. Thinks in His Government will change after the 1,000 years are over and some may be given new positions based on their abilities. Just like any goverment anywhere. Yes, Jesus is set up in a Kingdom which his father puts him in charge of and yes he is to be viewed as God. Not a problem. He did after all always represent his father and was undoubtedly the one who spoke to Moses and led the Israelites across the desert. So nothing has changed. But he is in no way equal with his father even though they are one. He is subordinate to his fathers will. The Jehovah's Witnesses have this right. The pagan religions of Christianity with their infiltrated beliefs and various views are wrong. And Jehovah's Witness are right about that also. Do not find yourself caught in the trap. I still love ya. Be good. Dont find yourself getting porked for Satan, thinking you are a witness for Jesus while thrown out of Jehovah's fold. For then when you see this clearly, your weeping will be great and unconsolable. When that time comes, you will know, but after that, your time will be short and your torment will never end. That is how you will be remembered when you are gone. It is just not worth it. Merry Christmas to Jesus and Santa Clause. Lets teach the children well? Or, put away all falsehoods and stop pleasing the one who waits for his end, hunkerred down in his bunker chamber, confined to the earth. Personally, I dont see how anyone who loves Jesus could ever support such an abominable Holiday or even give glory to themselves by celebrating their own. Are we Christians. No way Renee. But at least, if we are not delusional about it, we still have a chance. But only those who make it to the end will be saved. Those who do not make the grade will have to fold their hand and leave the table. Not being worthy to be the brides of Christ. They will be thrown outside with the rest and their weeping will be great. Knowing then what they have lost. If I were you, I would go back. Where you stand now, is not a good foundation and you have lost your footing. Witnesses for Jesus, although similar with the podium and all is a very poor substitute. As soon as I saw all the Crosses, I was turned off. But I never told you. How come you don't see this? Best wishes, John in Yucky NY. PS: Would your new husband let you go to Jehovah's Witnesses if you changed your mind? Or would their influence over certain sexual practices in a marriage cause a problem? Flee from fornication? Don't get trapped. Things can change. Sometimes quickly when you get married. Now they got ya. Besides, if you are matched right, there is no need for alternatives to sexual conduct. That you should leave to the worldly men and women of the earth. Be good and clean. Then Jesus will love you. Please be careful.
A Letter from a disfellowshipped JW
by reneeisorym 69 Replies latest jw friends
I am speechless. He sounds a little bizzare.
AK - Jeff
This guy is all over the board!! I would say 'Wacko'. WNFJ don't want him either. He sound's like a lunitic with a crush on ya'.
Oh brother, I don't even know where to start ripping apart his thinking!
He may be DF'd but he's still brainwashed... been there, done that...
I agree that, when there's a head that thick, that only the Lord can start to crack that egg!
Prayer on his behalf, and more exposure by him to more "reasonable arguments" such as can be found here on many subjects and as I'm sure you guys tried at the convention, are the only other two "hopefuls" for softening up that hard-boiled egg-head of his.
And this shocked me... " You are an attractive girl. OK A little fat." Gasp! How tacky can you get? Nobody in their right mind would throw in a comment like that. So uncouth!
Anyway, he is one SAD ROBOT, that's for sure. The tape is playing in his brain: WT WT WT WT!
And look how he puts himself down, not worthy of heaven, but only the "sons" are, etc. etc. True Blue WT brainwashing.
Well, I'm basically speechless... what can anyone say?
/ag -
Why are you so schocked that he could not see it your way?
He's not the only one, there are 6.5 million that do not agree with you. You were one of them.
I do not agree with the JW anymore but for you to think he has to see it your way,, it's also wrong.
You are doing excatly what JW do, thinking you have the truth in Jesus and anyone that does not see it your way are misled.
Just because you have found Jesus it does not make you right.
Enjoy your faith, feel good about your connection with Jesus but be open minded.
I now see mama used the same "I am speechless" comment. Evidently his letter has the same effect on many of us!
/ag -
OMG- I'm still stuck on the fact that he called you fat. What an insensitive A-hole.
Otherwise, all he did was spout rhetoric with no facts or even scriptures cited or referenced. He's regurgitating with no thought whatsoever. Speaking of a dog returning to it's own vomit....
HAHA! What a nut job. I liked the little postscript about "certain sexual practices." LMAO!!!
I liked the little postscript about "certain sexual practices." LMAO!!!
Me too! He sounds like and elder in the back room!!!
My reply to him would be short and sweet.
Jesus said we would know his people because of the genuine love amongst them. Your letter reassures me that I have had a lucky escape from a religion that does not teach love and unfortunately raises its adherents so that they are ignorant of love as epitomised by yourself.