A Letter from a disfellowshipped JW

by reneeisorym 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    It certainly casts serious doubt on his mental stablility.

    Every one that knows him knows the above is true....I am waiting for Rennee to get back to me...

  • reneeisorym

    I got back to you. Its not him. I sent you a PM with his name so if that rings a bell.

  • mouthy

    Thanks for the P.M. No I dont know that John!!! But pray for the one I told you about.... He needs our prayers.. ( so does the one that wrote you.) I was relieved to know it wasnt the one I thought....

  • truthsearcher

    Renee: I sent you a PM

    Hi Mouthy!

  • mouthy

    HI !truthsearcher !!!!!

  • SacrificialLoon

    The guy is crazy, the bad kind of crazy.

    I did lol at "getting porked for Satan" though.

  • Dismembered

    Say it with me reneeisorym, kookburger, again, kookburger.


  • I quit!
    I quit!
    There is only one way that the world will be repaired. That is by having those who do what is right, no matter how hard it is who demonstrated this while on earth. Even when it means that we might be married to someone who is cruel, dishonest or whatever. Yes, even beatings.

    This person said a lot of strange things but the above is one I found interesting. I think his ideal woman is one that can take getting the crapped kicked out of her and still show up at the meetings and comment on the happy family lives of Jehovah's people.

    I understand you wanted to help him but I think you need to set the meter on your weirdo detector a little lower.

  • JT

    Why are you so schocked that he could not see it your way?

    He's not the only one, there are 6.5 million that do not agree with you. You were one of them.

    I do not agree with the JW anymore but for you to think he has to see it your way,, it's also wrong.

    You are doing excatly what JW do, thinking you have the truth in Jesus and anyone that does not see it your way are misled.

    Just because you have found Jesus it does not make you right.

    Enjoy your faith, feel good about your connection with Jesus but be open minded.


    bingo, how soon we forget how we were much like this guy at one time- smile

  • reneeisorym
    There is only one way that the world will be repaired. That is by having those who do what is right, no matter how hard it is who demonstrated this while on earth. Even when it means that we might be married to someone who is cruel, dishonest or whatever. Yes, even beatings.

    What happened to think trusting in Jehovah to fix the problems anyway?

    He knows I was abused in my first marriage to a JW and so he is trying to say here that I should have stayed married to the cruel, dishonest man who beat me. And that very thinking is why I left JWs in the first place.

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