A Letter from a disfellowshipped JW

by reneeisorym 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Don't let this guy upset you, he is totally off his NUT! You have found Jesus now and are in a good peaceful place in your life. This guy seems jealous of what you have. He is out of the Org. but cannot find peace yet because his mind is still being controlled. You should pray for him and feel sorry for him. But if I were you, I would put a lot of distance between you and him. And between you and anyone who is as negative as he is. Hope to meet you this year in PA. Peace, Lilly

  • reneeisorym

    I think i just might send that final reply above and bit him farewell.

    But if I were you, I would put a lot of distance between you and him. And between you and anyone who is as negative as he is. Hope to meet you this year in PA. Peace, Lilly

    I am going to put distance between us. I may not get to go to PA. I'm not sure yet. I hope I get to go and meet you too! Renee

  • GetBusyLiving
    Think carefully before making any decisions. You are an attractive girl. OK A little fat.

    What a fucking puke stain. What I get from reading this is that he might be thinking you have left the Dubs and have a worldling boyfriend because you couldn't find one in the cult. He's assuming this is the real reason you have left and anything else you have to say are just excuses. The arrogance of this guy is nauseating.


  • reneeisorym

    Ok I sent a reply. Here it is:

    Jesus said we would know his people because of the genuine love amongst them. Your letter reassures me that I have had a lucky escape from a religion that does not teach love and unfortunately raises its adherents so that they are ignorant of love as epitomized by yourself.

    This will be my last letter to you. I have tried to show you concern and brotherly love since I met you. I only asked for that respect in return. I planted seeds with you but it is time for me to learn that not all seeds fall on fine soil. I would have talked about doctrine with you until I had gray hair. Personal attacks are not acceptable to me. I do not have to tolerate such behavior. I have said a prayer for you and told God that I was putting you in His hands.



  • lovelylil



  • HockeyMullet

    This douche deserves the jovies.

  • zanex

    "Be good. Dont find yourself getting porked for Satan, thinking you are a witness for Jesus while thrown out of Jehovah's fold." I am not a religious person anymore but this just made me roll around laughing...what a half-wit! If anyone is being porked for Satan, as is so eloquently writ, its them! lol... -Z-

  • anewme

    What the heck does "getting porked" mean? YUCK!

    This poor guy needs to come on here and WE WILL STRAIGHTEN HIM OUT REAL GOOD!

    He has never developed his own thinking skills and is very influenced and confused.

    Turn him on to JWD. You'd be doing him a favor. Really.

  • moshe

    You should have let Johnny Cip and I handle this wacko- you were, too nice to him.

  • Rooster

    it really does not matter if we are true Christians because we would be conducting ourselves in a rightious manner all the time,

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