The "A" man does some good (because he just knows) as an abberation to, or in spite of, the violent parts (not withstanding the other parts) of his origin; while the "G" man can do virtually no good at all when compared to the infinite benevolence of his view of his origin.
Heh. Your view that A-man doing good is a contradiction to his origin is a result of a totally wrong-headed understanding of what evolution is.
Wolves and Cape Hunting Dogs are fearce killers... that bring food to puppies that are not their own and to sick or injured pack members. Vampire bats will feed other bats who haven't had any luck hunting. Co-operation in social animals can result in a better survival outcome than competition.
Thus there is no contradiction as your view of what evolution is is at fault.
Can you briefly state how those authors (or yourself) "know" when they are doing "good".
When someone says thank you. Or when their actions do not violate the rights of another.
How does G-man know when they do good? When their actions conform with what some bronze-age goatherd thought was good, and the G-man has the unproven conceit that the bronze-age goat herd was divinely inspired? If this is so, then the Israelite soldiers who killed men, boys, and non-virgin women, and took the virgin girls as sex slaves were doing good; this event is recorded in the Bible. Are you saying this divinely sanctioned action was good Perry?
Believing in evolution is dangerous because it leads to believe that some people are more evoluate than others.
Find me an evolution textbook that states this; you are saying not what modern evoluionists say, but what anti-evolutionists say. As anti-evolutionists have no facts, they often end up lying. Evolution and god, for a start, are quite compatable. Some religionists like to deny this, as they are interested in simplistic literalism that allows them to sanctify their own opinions, but which also requires they accept obvious mythology, like the Creation account, as fact.
Believing in God is believing that all of us are alike to some extant
Other than the non-believers...?
RAF, you are taking your beliefs as a reasonable modern Christian and assuming they represent religious thought. Most religious thought is very clear on believers and non-believers being VERY unlike. Most religions have killed non-believers. Please find me evolutionists (not political nuts) who are killing each other over a disagreeemnt over claudistics, or who kill people who don't believe in evolution
Now about evolution if one cell could lead the universe, the process would be exponential (more over if you take the example of the virus which is able to evolve a lot and very fast to stay alive - that being said it also have a problem which lead to be so effective that it forgets about the fact that if he takes too much advantage on his host it kills his host and by that kill himself - so any might take this detail as an argument to say that it is the reason why it is not exponential - but we human are able to make new species of plantes that the evolution process didn't think about it yet in billions of years) SO ...
RAF, I like you. Take this said in the nice smiley way it is. Read a book about evolution. I can recommend some. You don't have a very good grasp of the subject get it and will obviously reach embaressing and inaccurate conclusions.
The way humans breed plants is un-natural selction. Only those possessing the desired characteristics are allowed to breed. WHat humans want in a plant or an animal is not neccesarily good for living in the wild; look at certain breeds of dogs, so wharped by human breeding them for certain features they have trouble breathing and bad hip joints. In the wild the ones with the best chaarcteristics for survival in that environment pass their genes on more frequently than those with poor characteristics for survival. Even something so minor it increases the number of offspring produced by 5% can spread throughout a poplulation of organisms in as little as 200 generations. Your point above isn;t one, simply because you need to take the time out to learn about evolution before slamming it.