April 1, 2007 Craptower---All About Obeying 'The Slave'

by Mary 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty

    It's only too obvious to those outside looking in that Watchtower dogma is not very well thought out before the printing presses go online and moreliesandBS new truths are distributed to thebraindead God's people.

  • xjwms


    I am marking this to review later.


  • uwishufish

    WOW!!! They are still putting weight on the dates 1914&1918. These dates are so far removed from recent history it could be confusing to a jw. So much so, as to cause investigation on the part of the inquiring jw mind.

    Let's hope that some investigate.

  • greendawn

    So Mary they are putting up a lot of smokescreens. Everything they say is carefully and scientifically doctored by spin and the naive ignorant average JW has no chance of find his way through all the manipulation. If Rutherford and a few others got thrown in prison what about all the other dubs of those days? Nothing happened to them. How did the tens of thousands of other dubs get tested?

  • Elsewhere

    Don't mock the WTS! They have Photographic proof of Jebus approving them in 1918:

  • Mary
    If Rutherford and a few others got thrown in prison what about all the other dubs of those days? Nothing happened to them. How did the tens of thousands of other dubs get tested?

    Tsk, tsk, tsk.....Well um..........they uh.............Oh I know! They were tested by Armageddon not coming in 1914......Jehovah did that on purpose to see if they would remain faithful to the Organization that was still celebrating birthday and Christmas and using the Cross which of course are now DFing offenses. Those that wised up and left were disappointed that the Big A didn't come as they thought, were now the Evil Slave.

    Oh ye of little faith.

    LMAO @ Elsewhere!!

  • wozadummy

    Mary said,

    Par. 12 is moving in an obvious direction. To say that the WTS doesn't believe in the Trinity, the lines between obeying Christ and obeying the "Slave" are becoming more blurred all the time: "....Therefore, when we loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slaveand it's Governing Body, we are submitting to Christ......Our showing due respect for the instrument Christ is using.....is one way in which we openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."---Philippians 2:11 (Funny, when you read Phil 2:11, there's absolutely no mention there about obeying any "slave")

    How is it that people "loyally submit to the direction of the faithful slaveand it's Governining body" ? They are here giving a distinction between two groups ,even iff the GB is part of the faithful slave this submitting to the faithful slave is a lie for perhaps half of them are women and have no rights as overseers and the other half are men and not all are capable of being elders or choose not to or are too old! AND WHEN ARE THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THIS FAITHFULL SLAVE EVER CONSULTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY AS TO HOW THE BIBLE IS TO BE INTERPRETTED? If one of them took exception to what the GB says ,and persisted ,they would be disfellowshipped in their congregation by Elders who are not evenpart of this faithfull slave and who are sheep following the faithfull slave .That's like the sheep attacking the shepherd and killing him because they did'nt like the commands that came from the shepherds mouth!

  • OnTheWayOut

    They have to tell the JW's to obey the slave because anyone who
    just obeys Christ's message would return to the ways of
    Christendom. They may have realized that as cults go, they don't
    have a charismatic leader alive anymore, so they need to develop
    a persona for the GB before they start revealing new light to
    keep JW's believing the crap.

    I know JWD often starts rumors, but I truly believe the GB has
    some "incredible to swallow" new light coming out- but I also
    think they will do it a little bit at a time.

  • greendawn

    The scum is so blatant everywhere. The WTS has been lying and manipulating people since its beginning. And a lawyer became an expert in religion developping its doctrines. No it wonder it sounds so assine when we read it today.

  • heathen

    LOL , I think there's a little more to the WTBTS dogma than saying an invisible pink elephant came at a random time. Jesus did for tell his presence as being invisible , there is no pink elephant that made that claim .LMAO I agree tho that the WTBTS keeps making demands that people find difficult to obey . It is apparent that the first century christians did focus more on the preaching conversion work than they did on meeting together. The WTBTS is not interested in making anybodies yoke light . They like to try and shame people into doing things for them. Like, sister so and so in africa had to walk 20 miles thru a den of lions and a pack of wolves just to make a meeting , so what's your problem ? blah blah .................

    I also laughed at the part when they state the number of "anointed" slaves is dwindling and what do you know they actually published an increase ............ are you sure on that one ? cause that was just over the top .

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