The problem I have with your argument style is that you generalize when it suits you, but then switch to a narrow precise reasoning to force home your point and in doing so you miss out the middle section/the grey areas.
For example this thread starts with the generalization of science v religion who won. And you quite rightly argue for science and all the benefits its has brought to man. And again quite rightly you argue that historically religion has not benefited man in the same way, and emphasise its sometimes draconian nature.
You then go on to state that religion has no power, but then go on to list terrible atrocities which have been committed in the name of religion. I would have to argue then that one must concede that religion must reasonably be accepted as having power over people. I actually called it a powerful tool. One which you could argue could bring great benefit to mankind if used in an ennobling way. Yes history has taught us that this has not always been the case but in your own words "Personal responsibility is paramount to the consequence of the misuse".
You know there are countless people with whom you could sit down, that would tell you the benefits they feel personally from belonging to a 'religion' or having a belief in God. Those benefits on a personal level may vary from, feeling part of a community, having a sense of where they are going, giving them some moral direction, giving them hope....the list could be endless. We as exjws all know how a person who has a faith can find a benefit in it and in the words of my favourite again, they could reason "As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it".
In a previous post of yours you listed reasons why it is unlikely that we are born into the best set of circumstances; and for many that is true. They have dire upbringings, some without education, moral training, love, encouragement or even the basic needs of a person. Science is not able to remedy all of these problems. Science does not teach us how to show love, compassion, why stealing is wrong, to care for the elderly or infirm, to be tolerant of others race and culture, or how to turn a life that is being led on a slippery slope round to one that is successful, fruitful and happy. Some people are born without the right tools for life and where is there to go learn them.
I put it to you that were religious organisations put to good use, for some they could fill that gap. Jesus was all about teaching human beings how to treat each other and themselves. It is man that has misused that guidance.
I know you will argue that religion, its teachings and belief in God is what has failed and is not proven. And in many ways you are right. That does not mean religion couldnt bring benefit to mankind. And if someone wants to believe that there is a greater being, to whom they are answerable, to whom they can pray for help and guidance in their times of need, then they should not be judged unfavourably for doing so. I will not be taking that comfort away from them, life is hard enough as it is. And ultimately, no one knows the answers.
And just for the record I have no religious beliefs.....................