But you didnt answer my question. Is teaching people to 'love thy neighbour' or 'do unto others as you would have done yourself' wrong?
Yes the history of religion and how it has been developed and used to control vunerable people is wrong. But in this thread you have also spoken of how 'experts can be bought' 'the science of the tobacco industry' and how 'money corrupts'. So science and those that follow experts can be vunerable too and subject to being misled.
To be as clear and precise as absolutely possible within the confines of expression through language I'll answer you.
Teaching people to "love your neighbor" as a command is senseless. A command removes personal responsibility from the person being taught. It removes the cause and effect purpose of arriving at the conclusion from existence itself. You do it because AN AUTHORITY said so. That is the nature of religion. You don't have to think, analyze, investigate and decide; you just obey and trust authority to be right.
Coming to the same conclusion as a process of experience for yourself and OUT OF your existence itself carries far more moral weight because it is a PRACTICAL MATTER and not merely obedience.
See the difference??
Child-rearing that meets bad behavior by creating a CONSEQUENCE makes proper behavior a natural cause and effect principle of learning. Bad child-rearing is using force to cause a child to conform and detaching the force from the lesson. Force becomes punishment. The lesson? Do what I SAY YOU MUST DO or else I'll use force. The correct lesson should be DO WHAT IS RIGHT because all wrong behavior has a BAD CONSEQUENCE. A better life is lived when you avoid bad consequences.
Science detaches mere pronouncement from authority from the process. (Not that other factions don't use Science as a totem and bludgeon, but; that is a separate issue and discussion.) The cause and the effect are measured and demonstrated. You don't rely on it being correct just because so and so says it is correct. The chain of reasoning and proof is at every step demonstrable and repeatable. Not so with religious rules and morality. It is a take it or leave it trust, faith and credulity implicit in the bargain.
Now, for the second part. Anybody who does not accept responsiblity for proving the correctness of their data before using it as fact is irresponsible and vulnerable to manipulation.
To accept Global Warming, as an example, as a man-made threat to survival BECAUSE certain scientists SAY IT IS SO----without getting all the facts from the entire peer review community of science is JUST AS NEGLIGENT as being a drone in a religious organization who spouts "truth" because it is printed in their beloved Watchtower.
Each of us are responsible for killing the Buddah on the road and taking ownership of our facts, morality and purpose in life.