I don't have a problem with the "Logos was a god" or the "Logos was God." I do feel, though, that not translating that scripture as most scholars do is an insight
into the bias of JW's AGAINST the uniquesness of Christ. After all, I was taught that Jesus was just another angel, he just happened to be the first one. Such
an explanation of Christ does nothing to draw a person closer to him. What JW's have not grasped, in their attermpt to give the Almighty His due as THE CREATOR, is
that the Father willed for the SON to receive praise, honor, glory, dignity, power, authority, obeisance. SUCH things towards the Son are lacking in the JW
theology. This is but a symptom that explains why JW's carry so much guilt and lack the joy of a Christian: Their leaders deny to them the nature of Christ, who man HAS SEEN,
and insist they learn about Jehovah (whom JW's beleive to be the Creator) which no man has seen, and as John said in verse 21 of the same chapter of this
thread discussion, "Christ has explained Him (Almight God the Father) to us." I agree, too, with how forced the language feels in he NWT. And I especially
dislike the substitution of "grace" with "undeserved kindness." That to me is egregiuos.