Well I don't have any pets but my Daughter does. She has two huge Leonburgers. When I am there I hate the way they sniff everyone in their private parts..can't break that habit. They leave big wet spots on their pants..
Now it's become like a slap on the back and a How are ya? thing. They do it whenever they are behind you!
I told her she really needs to get ahold of the "Dog Whisperer!" SERIOUSLY!
When I am house or dog sitting there if they aren't behaving..I make them stay outside most of the day. The only problem is when I go somewhere and come back in my car.They have to sniff and butt my provate parts pushing me towards the house.
They too like to put their heads on the bed early in the morning and when you open your eyes there is a big black nose in your face and they get sooo excited..their faces are saying...FEED ME !
LEONBURGERS...are big dogs!