King of the North & South

by prophecor 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    I still think the catholic church is the whore of babylon , there is no other organization that fits the description to the T like they do . The church colors are purple and scarlet they are very big on spiritism by praying to saints and virgin mary , they are known for the use of idolotry and do bow and kneel before statues made of wood and stone , it is a member nation of the UN,vatican city (riding the beast?) and no doubt tries to influence all the governments of the world from that position. For now I'm sticking with the US being king of the north . KOS can be any power in opposition to it , even cuba or Iran , it's believed at this time that Iran is equiping the shiite opposition in Iraq . Since alot of world powers are involved with what goes on all over the world it's hard to finger the real identity.IMO

  • proplog2


    So you think that when God commands his people at Revelation 18:2 to get out of Babylon the Great it is really a call for the Chosen to leave the Catholic Church?

    Do you really believe that all the international shipping companies are rich because of hauling cargo for the Catholic Church? Do you know how much the Catholic Church purchases of luxury items. Rev. 18:11-19.

    Babylon the Great has to be the most significant player in international trade.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello pro,

    Are you suggesting China as Babylon the Great?


  • proplog2
    Are you suggesting China as Babylon the Great?

    Gross Domestic Product For 2005

    World 44.3 trillion

    USA 12.5 trillion

    JAPAN 4.5 trillion

    GERMANY 2.8 trillion

    CHINA 2.2 trillion

    UNITED KINGDOM 2.2 trillion

    No. China is important but only because of American Consumption.

    Heathen: Where would you rank the Vatican on this list.

    The USA GDP is bigger than the next 4 economies combined.

    If the USA goes down the traveling merchants will really have something to weep about.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks pro,



  • heathen

    proplog -- are you saying the command to leave babylon is about leaving the US ? That is absurd . babylon the great itself could include all christian religions that adhere to the nicean creed or the anastasian creed . I believe it could have something to do with christmas being the money grubbing holiday it is being un nationalized or even made illegal . Don't tell me the merchants wouldn't feel it then ( they always talk about the economy at that time of year). As it is in the US many groups are trying to get their celebrations nationalized and made a holiday , the moslems have their ramadan and the jews with their rosh hashana or honika (sp?) . Even tho all other religions did worship the beast in 1986 in belief that the UN would bring peace and security, the catholic church does seem to fit the description of babylon the great in a profound way.

  • proplog2


    You said it is absurd to think that the command to Get out Babylon applies to getting out of the USA. Is it REALLY absurd or just uncomfortable to think about. Then the Great Tribulation is an absurd idea all the way around.

    You stubbornly adhere to your idea that Babylon the Great is the Catholic Church. Which means that somehow, without any facts, you conclude that the Catholic Church is so wealthy that "ALL (not some but ALL) those who have ships at sea are rich due to her shameless luxury".

    Now you are repeating the JW line that Christmas is the core of the worlds economic activity. Do you think people wouldn't buy stuff if it weren't for Christmas? I feel stupid asking you these questions because you ignore them and continue to spout your same nonsense.

    Do you think that if the Roman Catholic Church were to be destroyed or for that matter all religions that the people of the USA wouldn't find something to do with the 93 billion dollars they would have to spend or invest? Did you know that Americans spend about 213 billion dollars each year in the sporting industry. That's over 2x what they spend on religion. Or maybe they will add some of that money to the 2 trillion they already spend on health care.

    Do you really think that Religion's destruction would hurt the economy? If you do than you are as naive as the Watchtower.

  • Zico


    I'm sure I've read posts from you saying you were an atheist! Now I'm confused.

    I think when John wrote Revelation, he was referring to Rome when he wrote of 'Babylon the Great'

  • proplog2


    Yes I am an atheist. But that doesn't mean that we know everything about how this universe works.

    Unfortunately, Daniel and Revelation as prophetic books are the residue of irrationality I still carry with me.

    Being an atheist I am very skeptical of this sort of thing. But I indulge in speculation in this area because my interpretation seems to be coherent.

    Daniel and Revelation are just the kind of books I would think some extra-earthly source might use to mid-wife human civilization through crisis.

    It is piggy-backed on the notion of Christ. Christ represents a leap to a united earth. Christs followers become the model for humans through and after the crisis.

    They need to know how to survive the time of trouble.

    This secret knowledge becomes clear when it is needed and represents a minimal intervention in human affairs.

    If I live a normal lifespan I will NOT die without having the answer.

  • M.J.

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