Update- My fade and the elders inaction

by OnTheWayOut 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    You'll gain nothing with confrontation.

    So true.

  • rebel8
    I turned in my first ZERO hours service slip


    Now I am curious--I didn't know there was such a thing as turning in a zero hours slip. Don't you just not turn one in at all, or is it like the United Way where they demand you turn in your form, even if you're not donating?

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    For the record, in my case- I am thrilled that they take
    no action to help me. I hope that it continues.

    The same thing happened in my case. I found it sad that after knowing them for many years no one made any effort to try to stop me from leaving but on the other had it proved my point that the whole this was based on conformity and fear. I had no intention of ever going back and their lack of concern made it much easier. I would think they probably get orders from the society that the best way to deal with people like you is to ignore you and hope you just go away. If they confront you others would hear about it and they really don't want anyone to start thinking. When I could no longer believe in what they taught and told my wife it was amazing how quickly the word spread. The elders called me right away and wanted to meet with me but once I laid the ground rules down (I also wanted my wife there and someone else there to witness the proceedings) they said they would have to get back to me. They never did. When I asked my wife what was going on she said they told her I had already made my decision so there was no point in talking with me and that was it.

    By the way yesterday was the first time I set foot in a Kingdom Hall in over 25 years. I went to attend my sister-in-laws funeral. I think I'll start a thread on this subject.

  • nvrgnbk

    I quit!,

    Exactly the same here! When you make it clear in no uncertain terms, lovingly and diplomatically of course, that you'll be tolerating zero bulls@#t, it's pretty much over. The last thing the branch wants is to expose a long line of elders to your logical, coherent, sincere questions and concerns that they have no decent reply for.

    Sorry you had to set foot in a KH again,


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    Did they ever announce your deletion as an elder? I missed that. They know full well that your serving was not based on faith, but on agreement with the Org. You can't restore a person's loyalty to a corporation as easily as you can direct them back to the Bible and the creator. Either you've got it or you don't. I agree, they don't want to send any flairs up for others to see if they rip you up. Eventually they will act out of habit and indoctrination by going for your neck.

    Enjoy the quiet. When the storm comes its gonna get ugly.


  • Blueblades

    When I did my fade the elders were inactive. Finally, the P.O. came by when out in field service and invited me to the hall. I asked him to come in and listen to me and what is on my mind. He said that he had to meet up with the C.O. for lunch and could not come in at this time. I told him that if he caught me smoking a cigarette that he would immeadiately get a hold of the C.O. and another elder by cell phone and cancell lunch to start a question and answer session as to how long this was going on and what other un- christian things had I been doing that kept me away from the meetings. Yet, I ask you to come in to my home and talk about what is on my mind and you got to go and have lunch with the C.O. I then told him to enjoy his lunch and I won't be at the meetings. After this, no elders came by or called me to see how we were doing and what was keeping us from the meetings. What wonderful loving shepherds. Finally we moved away. It's been four good years since we faded away, and this after 33 years slaving for Mother.


  • greendawn

    Congrats you realised that this is a rotten scum and you stopped supporting them, you don't contribute anything to furthering their cause. You can carry on fading peacefully.

  • Borgia

    I agree with the qualification: spiritual taskmasters....This week we had the CO visiting. It was all about doing more...bla bla bla. The "public"-talk was a discussion on the requirements to be admitted to the NW. Guess what. They discussed OT Psalm 15 but forgot to mention that the basic thing is: John 3:16.

    OTWO: Glad they do not bother you! All the better!



  • nvrgnbk

    Good for you blue,

    I appreciate your story. Are we beginning to see a pattern develop here? They are soooooooo scared!

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    thank-you everyone for your stories on this thread.

    As a fader I find your experiences very edifying and empowering.

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