Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?

by gumby 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • juni

    Sorry little brother. I had to leave the computer quite abruptly and just now getting back here.

    Now what was I saying........

    The "truth" was a pseudo happiness. You were told over and over that "happy is the people whose God is Jah". But what did we individually experience? We weren't being honest w/ourselves; we allowed this organization to cram their definition of happiness down our throats.

    We were living in a fantasy world and not dealing w/reality. Only when we left did we have to do the hard work of facing reality and finding true happiness for ourselves as no longer were we allowing this religion to tell us how to feel and act.

    I'm a work in progress. Some days happy I left and other days wondering, "well what is the "truth"? Now what do I do?

    In the mean time I enjoy my life and as you are enjoying my little grandkids. Actually I've come to the conclusion that I must lay it in God's lap. " I have a need to be spiritual, but not religious. Show me the way to find inner contentment and be at peace with You." Amen.


  • gumby

    Keep em coming folks, I haven't got time to post right now but I'm really enjoying all of your inputs on this......thank you all so much from the bottom of my nutsack heart


  • GoingGoingGone

    Hey Gumby,

    I keep coming back to this thread because I can really identify with your feelings right now.

    When I left the JWs, it was because I was pretty sure they were wrong, and I wanted to serve God the way he wanted to be worshipped. I found JWD and other sites, and became convinced that the WTS was NOT the true religion. I researched early Christianity for the first time ever, spoke to a priest a few times, even attended church. I embraced another religion for a while because I had become convinced that they were right. I prayed and prayed for answers. When cracks appeared in my new-found belief system, I really had a dillema. Do I hang on because I want it to be true, or do I let go and see what happens?

    I let go, and kept praying for answers. Can't say I ever got any. I have experienced the 'lost' feeling you're talking about, and still do. I LIKED having all the answers, and now I had to start from scratch with nothing being certian. I was challenged a while back by a staunch Christian apologist who asked me, if I am questioning the bible, how do I even know that there is only one God, as opposed to thousands? I didn't like the question, but the answer is, I don't know that there is only one God. There are millions and millions of people who believe that there are thousands of gods... and millions more who believe there is only one... and millions more who believe there IS no God. Who's right? Does it matter? Does God really care, if he even exists?

    I have no answers to those questions, and the truth is that NO one does. Lots of people think they are right, but believing something doesn't make it so. If God cared so much how he was worshipped, then I think he'd make it easier to figure out what he wants. There are plenty of truly honest-hearted people who don't have a clue.

    So... Am I happier like this? If I think about it too much, I get extremely frustrated. I'm a planner, a need-to-know kinda person. I want all the answers, NOW!!! But no matter how much I stomp and pout, I won't get the answers until I die. I'm not really afraid of dying anymore, either, strangely enough. I'm more afraid of what I'll miss when I'm gone I used to feel guilty about destroying my JW teenagers' belief system (I showed them everything I found when I left the JWs). I pulled the rug out from under them, and I felt like they went thru a sort of mini-crisis. But they are doing GREAT now, and quite honestly I don't feel bad about it anymore. They are much more open minded than I ever was, and they will have the freedom to become whoever they want to become. Believing in a fantasy paradise which will be here ''any day now'' would in NO way enhance their lives.

    Thinking of you Gumby, hope your situation gets easier with time.


  • LittleToe

    ~Dances around waving his arms like the "invisible boss"~

  • PEC

    Welcome back Gumby.

    I knew I would never make to paradise (I was never good enough); so, the prospect of death, being the end, has never bother me.

    The truth about the "Truth" has made me happier; because, I now know that all of those selfish, greedy, unloving, JW bastards will die too. 27 years and I am still angry that, that cult still controls most of my family.

    I am a atheist, I know that there is no afterlife, God or whatever, if I am wrong about this, I am a good person and am prepared to be judged accordingly.

    In my life I have known many truly evil people (JWS and not) and I refuse to believe, that, not believing, will get me punished. If the God of the Bible is real he/she would be on my evil list and as my family believes, I am controlled be Satan. So be it.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Gumby, to answer your subject question, "Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?" yes, it does.

    After I got over all the emotional aftermath of realizing my faith and beliefs had been totally bunko, I realized that facing reality is much better and I'm not being coerced into being something I'm not anymore, nor living up to someone else's lofty, ever-changing and really silly standards.

    It get's easier over time to look forward to the future I have the capability to make for myself and/or my family. And I don't have to look down on everyone and everything outside the WTS as "condemned" anymore. That's a big relief.


  • greendawn

    Ignorance is bliss hey? It can be that way for some JWs that are happy with what they know and the way they understand that things should be. But for those that don't, there is a need to develop a new understanding on such issues eg is there a God, are we all alone in the universe, is there life after death etc. For me it wasn't that unsettling leaving the dubs since I believed in a creator and the basic message of the Bible, the resurrection, eternal life, the eventual destruction of all evil etc before joining them. Others will settle for the less comfortable as long as they believe it to be the truth eg the theory of evolution and a consequent eternal, irretrievable disappearence from life, after dying.

  • codeblue

    Gumby, great topic Happy to see your post!

    No, I am not happier and it has to do with my adult children that are still JW's and are shunning me because I came "clean" with telling them I am not going to the meetings. While it was a relief to come "clean" coming "clean" has it's price: abandonment.

    I feel saddened and not honored as a Mother and abandoned by my children. I watched my Mom die of cancer when I was 14, and my Dad dealt with her loss by drinking so I was abandoned again. I felt very much alone as a teenager and some how years later I am alone again.

    I try to keep telling myself they are in a "cult" and don't realize it and one day, as it happened to me, their "rose colored glasses" will crack.


  • juni

    Please Gumby give Ross a big hug. He wants your blessing.


  • MegaDude

    I didn't know they did the funky chicken in Scotland.

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