SFsaid> How much more pathetic can you be? Just as long as YOU, YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY are intact, death, hared, corruption and deception TO THE OTHERS and POTENTIAL OTHERS will not cause YOU to lose any sleep, then have at it BROTHER.
That is pretty hard dont you think???SF Would you prefer Gumby kill himself? I guess that would make you feel it would be the right thing to do... Remember brother? have you any blood on YOUR hands.????? I have !!!LOts, But I believe I have a Rightous Judge that will examine my heart....So cut a little slack in your judgement if you would like to have a loving spirit.... I know I am the last one to say anything on here - cos I send so many to their rooms if I dont agree, but most on here KNOW that we LOVE each other & we kabitz in a fun spirit.... So please try to understand we have lost many in suicide -because the big O.... took out loved ones away..... And they felt they had nothing more to live for .... I will send you to your room to pray!!!!!!
Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?
by gumby 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am reaching a breaking point here with this type of selfish insanity. How much more precious is YOUR family compared to your fellow brothers family gumby, and others [LURKERS IN PARTICULAR]? Or that of the unsuspecting potential "householder with children" that very well will take the "golden carrot of everlasting life"? DO YOU CARE ABOUT THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES BROTHER?
How in the HELL could you condon this organizations death records of young life due to the mangled blood policy by re-ALIGNING YOUR-SELF with Them, again?
wow, I won't have believed it if I didn't read it myself... someone is seriously misdirected...
love you mouthy, it's good having a grandma looking over things...
Hello carpenter,
Good to hear from you. Hope to see you soon.
Hello Mouthy,
My deepest respect to you for your kindness in the face of harshness.
Doubting Bro
I haven't interacted much with you but I've been following your story. I understand your motivation for getting reinstated because family is the most important thing we have. Keeping them can bring a measure of happiness.
However, I don't think understanding the truth about the truth has made me happy at all. In some ways, I wish I was still ignorant. But, in other ways, I'm glad I know. I guess it just depends on the day!! I am glad I don't waste as much time as I once did slaving for the GB. I'm at the stage where I'm really not sure of what God's plan is but you know what, I can't change it even if I did know.
So, I've resolved to be the best person I can. To love my wife, my child, my neighbors (whoever they may be) and try to live by the Sermon on the Mount.
This place is great to vent and without it, I'd probably go nuts. So, continue posting and blowing off steam!!
Big Tex
Tell me gumby, and others, what's it FEEL like holding hands with those whose are stained with the blood of innocent life that have died due to the policies you CHOSE/ CHOOSE to re-connect with and endorse as "dedicated members"?
sKally I understand where you're coming from. At the same time I feel, rather strongly, that your anger is misdirected towards gumby.
Did you ever read "To Kill A Mockingbird"? One of the wisest philosophies I've ever encountered was put forth in that novel. Atticus Finch was talking to his daughter, Scout, who was expressing a great deal of frustration toward another child in first grade. Forgive me if I get the exact quote wrong (it's been years since I've read the book), but he said something like, "You never really understand a person u ntil you climb inside of his skin and crawl around in it for a while." In other words, look at life from their viewpoint with their eyes, including their strengths and weaknesses.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but contempt and hatred for that little sect. They went a long way toward contributing to my father-in-law's suicide, someone I considered to be my step-father (and often called him that). I watched them tear him down brick by brick and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
But having said that, my best friend is not only still in that sect, he's an elder. I've known him for 25 years. He accepts me for who I am, just as I do for him. We don't agree about the Witnesses and we leave it there.
But I, and those I care about, endured enough judgment to last several lifetimes. If I learned nothing else from that hateful little sect, it is to NOT judge others. And so I can accept my best friend while disagreeing (vehemently and vocally if you must know!). If I care for someone, I feel it is incumbent upon me to speak my mind, to tell that person the dangers of that sect and to expose them to all the atrocities. But at the end of the day, if that adult of their own free will chooses to go there, and I condemn them with vitriol, am I any better than those self-righteous hypocrites who condemned me? Don't you see? If we lash out like this at someone going back, we're no better! It means all that pain and suffering and all that miserable experience WAS FOR NOTHING!!!
Look, you're entitled to your opinion, views and beliefs. Gumby started this thread knowing there was a good chance he was going to get hit in the nutsack. I'm just asking you to stop and consider the possibility that one answer doesn't always fit all. We're all on a journey in this life. I just think we should be there when a friend needs us, without passing judgment.
Okay I've always been a big bag of wind. Sermon's over.
Doubting Bro
Big Tex,
If I learned nothing else from that hateful little sect, it is to NOT judge others.
Truer words were never spoken.
I'm so ashamed for having judged others before. But, as you (and Jesus) said, we are in no position to do that.
If I learned nothing else from that hateful little sect, it is to NOT judge others.
How true. we can never understand a situation unless we have lived it. and even under same circumsances other people may act differently with their sound motivations. judging others is a sign of a small mind.
Save My Soul
How about you personally......are you a happier person?
I'm not one who can go back to believing a lie just to have answers although many have and they can pretend. I did however go back for the sake of my family because life for me was too awful without them and I couldn't cope. I now have my family back but the difference now is.....I have no hope for me and my family and so this question now hits me in the face each and everyday........am I a happier person in knowing the truth?
I have learned that many people DO not believe everything that their church teaches. They still go regularly, but do not face excommunication. Knowing God has made me a happy person and accepting his promises. Will I live in heaven?....earth?.....I do not know. I am free from the slavery of the WT and Yes, I do play the FS game. I turn in time every month. I have not gone out in years. The elders do not care unless their supervisor (CO) says you are inactive.
I love my family a great deal, most know I do not believe any of this. I have found that MOST of the witnesses that I know, elders and all, DO NOT believe this crap. They just enjoy the parties every other weekend that witnesses give. As one elder said, he is waiting for new light, "Because the current system is NOT believable to an intelligent person". Wow, from a 20 + year elder on every circuit assembly.
I have found that MOST of the witnesses that I know, elders and all, DO NOT believe this crap. They just enjoy the parties every other weekend that witnesses give. As one elder said, he is waiting for new light, "Because the current system is NOT believable to an intelligent person". Wow, from a 20 + year elder on every circuit assembly.
Livin' a Lie by Timmy and The Lords of the Underworld