Sorry SBF,
I was just funning you too.
I also have a bizarre sense of humour,
by blondie 45 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry SBF,
I was just funning you too.
I also have a bizarre sense of humour,
The paranoia amongst some of the JWs re any hint of being gay/lesbian is just so pathetically extreme.
2 sisters sharing a flat, if they were seen to arrive at the meetings/ministry together and then sat tog at the meetings would be whispered about - this happened to 2 separate pairs of sisters who were sharing accommodation, and to 2 brothers who were sharing a flat.
A rumour would start and then there'd be sniggers.
Its completely daft.
I love Slims take on baaaaaaad behavior by JWs. The nanosecond the JW gets caught being an asswipe....BOOM they arent a JW any more. Which means by extrapolation...that all the JWs in the organization are PERFECT PEOPLE who never to annnnnnything the least little bit sinful. Gosh..all those years as a JW and I never knew that I was PERFECT so long as I didnt stray to the left or the right of the Societys line in the sand.
Got caught stealing? POOF your E ticket to Paradise is stamped VOID
Got caught sodomizing the kids in the congregation? POOF We already forgot your name.
Got caught expressing your disdain for blacks? Homos? Jews? POOF Your service card is mysteriously missing from the file and the friends dont even look your way any more.
Thats how you keep the congregation just cut the mold off the cheese and eat it anyway.
This JW bigot will probably get a part on the next district assembly for standing up for Jehovahs standards. And everybody will applaud politely and go eat their hoagies.
Excuse me I have to go puke now.
Miss Bielak started working for Next at shops in Prescot and Speke, Liverpool, in October 2003.
very surprised that this can happen at such a large company , a household name over here. That dub would be hung out to dry by the congo, nothing worse than "bringing reproach on the name"
Just remember though - the claims are made by someone who is complaining and hoping for money .. There are always two sides to everything . If it is upheld , the employer will be caned . The mood in UK is totally against discrimination right now.
Next worker wins harassment case
ClickAJob News, UK - 23 minutes ago
... 2004 when Ms Bielak dropped a crate of merchandise on the floor near Ms Davies - a practising Jehovah's Witness - who reacted with a violent outburst. ...
07-03-2007 A payout of £124,000 could be awarded to a sales assistant after an employment tribunal ruled that she was unfairly dismissed by the retail group Next following homophobic harassment, This is London reports.
The Merseyside tribunal heard that Marlene Bielak was called a "f***ing dyke" by former colleague Katrina Davies, 27, who also played a song called All The Lazy Dykes by Morrisey every time Ms Bielak went into the stockroom of the shop.
The disagreement between the two women came to head in December 2004 when Ms Bielak dropped a crate of merchandise on the floor near Ms Davies - a practising Jehovah's Witness - who reacted with a violent outburst.
Ms Bielak commented: "It is not about the money, it is about getting justice, not only for me but for all those other people who are being discriminated against because of their sexuality.
"This woman was allowed to physically push me, she shouted and swore at me, called me a "f***ing dyke" in front of other colleagues and harassed and bullied me because of her religious beliefs.
"She shouldn't have been allowed to get away with it and Next shouldn't employ people who force their prejudices on others."
The decision pertaining to the compensation will be made in July 2007. | Next worker wins harassment case ClickAJob News, UK - 27 minutes ago ... 2004 when Ms Bielak dropped a crate of merchandise on the floor near Ms Davies - a practising Jehovah's Witness - who reacted with a violent outburst. ... Next failed to protect lesbian employee from taunts at workWorkplace Law Network (subscription) Shopworker in line for £120000 after suffering homophobic bullying This is London all 5 news articles » |
so, lots of points to respond to
first, evidently I can't take a joke - can't even see one!!! sorry folks - you're right that I'm new to this or any forum - never followed any forum before, but am addicted to this one. I will lighten up.
as for employers, I am one, employ 12 people more or less, depending on the season, and the thing employers have to do is respond to any complaint immediately and sincerely, doing their best to handle the situation appropriately. Where many employers get in trouble is through avoidance which just makes people mad. If the employer won't listen, they go find someone who will.
As for other forms of harassment, employers are responsible to be sure there isn't a hostile work environment, so an employee who experiences that - even if it isn't sexual harassment or religious harassment or any other protected group - should report it to the employer, document the problem, and keep reporting it and documenting it and any witnesses, and the effect of the behavior, etc. That way if the employer doesn't respond appropriately or in a reasonable time, the employee who is suffering can find other recourse and likely succeed.
as for gossip in the org., holy heck it's one of the worst things about them. I found it kind of fun to find out what some of the gossip was about me - lesbian being one. Mental illness, witchcraft, some sort of occult entrapment, anything but me making my own choice to just get the hell out.