Oh, another thought occurs to me...
Look for an astounding jump in the number of partakers, perhaps as early as this year. By Memorial 2008, I would not be surprised to see the number of "partakers" jump to 20,000, 30,000, 50,000, who knows?
The "nutters" were always going to partake anyway, regardless of what the Watchtower said. For years, elders have been instructed not to count anyone who they feel is obviously not "qualified".
But just imagine the effect this will have on the (probably) thousands and thousands of loyal JWs who have felt something "special" but pushed it into the background, thinking (as was described in Watchtower after Watchtower after Watchtower) "if Jehovah really wanted a replacement, he wouldn't pick me, he'd pick an 80-year-old CO or someone who's been at Bethel for 60 years".
Now the dam is broke - "Hey, maybe Jehovah really did anoint me with holy spirit after all!"
And these will be folks who have been loyally attending meetings for 20, 20 40 years or more, and don't appear to be in the "nutter" class- the elders will have no choice but to count them.
I strongly suspect that this is the last year you will see a count of "Memorial partakers". It will be just too awkward to explain a jump of 8500 to [50,000]? or more.
I am a bit surprised at the timing of this article. The magazine will be read by JWs prior to this year's Memorial, giving persons as I have described above time to read & think about it prior to this year's Memorial - the count might jump wildly upward even as soon as this year.
If they had delayed the publication of this one for just another month, this year's Memorial would still be "safe" from a bunch of potential "new anointeds".