Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!

by AnnOMaly 288 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    They should open up a contest - the next open slot on the GB goes to the person who figures out how to get them out of this mess!

    LOL , You wonder why they don't consult their partakers to settle the matter . There are some 8,000 left . They already did cover their backside with all the false predictions , claiming it was to keep everybody awake and persuing the kingdom interests . They really went wrong when they promised the generation of 1914 eternal life . Then they promised the great crowd eternal life in 1935 , then suddenly the invisible spiritual paradise dogma came out , so technically they did reach the paradise earth , or some such mumbo jumbo . Hard to keep up with their constant inconsistency .

  • garybuss

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are not a religion of faith or even teachings, they are a religion of policy. You can partake of the emblems, but it's our policy that you won't. You can do blood fractions but it's our policy that you don't. It's our policy for you to snub your mother or your daughter.

    Many policies are verbal, not printed. Just ask any elder that's been to elder school.

    When the policy changes, the behaviors change.

  • OnTheWayOut
    You wonder why they don't consult their partakers to settle the matter

    I could be an oracle. Here's what they do. The healthy enough GB members and
    other "Bethel Heavies" go on a worldwide tour, spending all the money they want to-
    in order to seek out and consult with the remainder of the remnant. They could suck
    this up for a couple of years. When they are done, they can print the best crap that
    anybody came up with, saying the FDS is confident that this is the brightest newest

  • zack

    It's unbelievable to me that I could be a skeptic in my normal life and then have been such a rube when it came to religion. Geez! What an idiot I was!

    How the hell did i beleive this stuff for so long? JRR Tolkin is INFINITELY believable next to these guys.

  • under_believer


    > I doubt this - I think that the formula the WTS has used
    > for years is too entrenched to overturn , and very few JWs
    > think about the distinction (other than a few anointed ones
    > who think they should have more authority).

    The reason I still hold to this theory is because with an upswelling of people professing to be anointed, they have a weird power situation. They stress heavily in the QFR that anointed have no special insight, no greater holy spirit, no precedence. They do this because if the ranks swell, it would create divisions and problems in the congregations.

    So if the anointed don't have special insight, don't have more holy spirit, and are only differentiated by their final destination, ipso facto they can't be the Faithful and Discreet Slave, as the WTS understands that scripture. The FDS provides "spiritual food," which DOES imply special insight. The anointed as a class don't have special insight.

    > the reporting of the figure is very much a fait accompli.
    > Often it is the first figure that JWs look for.

    But why is it the first figure that JWs look for? We all know very well why, it's the anointed death watch. As the number dwindles the end comes closer, in many JW minds. That's why they continued to publish it. With the gates to heaven back open, the number becomes meaningless, insignificant. Nobody will care and it will cease to be a "death watch" figure.

  • heathen

    onthewayout -- They could give them all a plane ticket to headquaters and have an anointed only pow wow , would be easier than flying all over the world to find them. I'm willing to bet at least some of them of a better clue of what's going on than the leadership they keep selecting. Don't want to give them ideas tho .....

  • skeptic1914
    most people wouldn't even put two and two together about how they rest their claim of authority on the 1919 appointment.... And the Society hasn't used it as a basis in any significant way for years.

    I disagree. When we studied the two Isaiah books it seemed like everything that ever been prophesied found fulfillment in the experiences of the "anointed remnant" in 1919. Someone earlier in thus thread referred to a 2004 WT (I think it was March issue) that laid out the fairy tale of 1914 and the significance of 1919. The previous CO seemed to talk about it every visit.

    Even if it is not stressed in print, the fact remains that the FDS/GB DO derive their authority from this fictitious date.

    Ditto on Drew Sagan's comment (and others) about being MUCH more aware of what is in the WT and what it means, etc. since our brain-dead involvement in the movement. And because they brain-dead or at least do no critical analysis of what they are "fed", this will not raise an eyebrow w/the average dub.


  • Oroborus21

    this is a response i got to an email that i sent to JW friends regarding this change..since the person is not identifiable, i don't feel too bad about posting it here. it may show what can be expected as a response from some JWs..

    Men of faith look to no date. They worship what they know. JEHOVAH is
    not to be mocked . Those without faith don't preach. They get hung up
    on old women's questions so they can excuse there loose conduct. GET
    real. Love your christain brotherhood. What you don't belong. . IF
    you stay inside the flock you gain approval and protection. A FOOL
    wonders off in prosuit of his own interest. The grass is not greener


    despite responses like the above, i think it would be useful to call JWs attention to the importance of this adjustment and the previous 1935 teaching...

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    This is a great thread and you guys have done an outstanding job of breaking this down. Its taken me several days to really abosorb what this means because I believe this to be a huge change and part of a series of changes coming up in the next few years.

    Here's my 2 cents:


    1) Clearly as most have pointed out, this is cover for the fact that many of the GB were born after 1935 and many on the GB have one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel.

    2) The number of annointed hasn't moved for quite a while, meanwhile the older ones are dying off at an even faster rate. The replacement theory just doesn't hold any water.

    3) The 1935 date is tied to the Great Tribulation since it is expected that some annointed would still be on earth. Yet, they're dying off and the only "replacement" annointed don't generate much respect because many are nut jobs. They need to make sure that there are some folks that can be viewed as legit in order to keep up this portion of the theology. Of course, as we all know, they can change stuff at will.

    4) Having the FDS doctrine include all members of annointed is ridiculous since they never conferred with anyone outside of Bethel and due to #3.

    What to do:

    1) This is the first step. Dropping the 1935 fixes a major time problem. Now, there is no need to explain why so many of the GB are replacements. You can just make sure that the current practice of getting those who are the helpers to the GB declaring themselves annointed, which isn't a big deal.

    2) The instructions for submitting the number of Memorial partakers are included in the March KM BUT I do think they will not report the "partakers" since that number is going to shoot up this year.

    3) Next step, I agree with the posters who say that the 144k will be changed to be a symbolic number (as most Bible commentators think). Again, they will do the same thing they did with dropping the 1935 end of the annointing call and put it in a QFR and act like its not that big of a deal. They will emphasize that its still a very limited number.

    4) Next (maybe not in this order), they will clarify that the Faithful & Discreet Slave is actually the GB and not the total of all annointed on earth at any point in history. This way, their power can be strengthened and subject to none who may want to pull some sort of power play as a newly annointed.

    5) No need to drop 1914 yet (they can continue to infer that since Noah preached for 120 years they have at least until 2034). Plus, they need the 1914 date and the 1919 date to continue declaring authority. I know many don't believe that the average JW puts much stock into that and while you're probably right, that's not who the GB is looking to control. There are plenty of the higher-ups, branch, district, circuit overseers, even rank & file elders who ARE very much aware of these dates and accept the GBs authority because of it. If the GB were to lose those folks, the religion as we know it would come unraveled. They can't risk it.

    The thing that gets me the most is that the theology changes without any fanfare and no apologies. And, it changes not because there is some new, better explaination, but because the previous theory didn't pan out and they really have no choice. Its sick when you think about it. To me, its this sort of thing that really shows me that Gods spirit is not with the organziation.

  • OnTheWayOut
    onthewayout -- They could give them all a plane ticket to headquaters and have an anointed only pow wow , would be easier than flying all over the world to find them. I'm

    There's two reasons not to fly remnant to Brooklyn.
    1. More people would become remnant and ask for the ticket.

    2. I'm not talking about a true pow wow, I am talking about abusing the power
    of being in charge, and spinning that abuse to make the others feel that you

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