This is a great thread and you guys have done an outstanding job of breaking this down. Its taken me several days to really abosorb what this means because I believe this to be a huge change and part of a series of changes coming up in the next few years.
Here's my 2 cents:
1) Clearly as most have pointed out, this is cover for the fact that many of the GB were born after 1935 and many on the GB have one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel.
2) The number of annointed hasn't moved for quite a while, meanwhile the older ones are dying off at an even faster rate. The replacement theory just doesn't hold any water.
3) The 1935 date is tied to the Great Tribulation since it is expected that some annointed would still be on earth. Yet, they're dying off and the only "replacement" annointed don't generate much respect because many are nut jobs. They need to make sure that there are some folks that can be viewed as legit in order to keep up this portion of the theology. Of course, as we all know, they can change stuff at will.
4) Having the FDS doctrine include all members of annointed is ridiculous since they never conferred with anyone outside of Bethel and due to #3.
What to do:
1) This is the first step. Dropping the 1935 fixes a major time problem. Now, there is no need to explain why so many of the GB are replacements. You can just make sure that the current practice of getting those who are the helpers to the GB declaring themselves annointed, which isn't a big deal.
2) The instructions for submitting the number of Memorial partakers are included in the March KM BUT I do think they will not report the "partakers" since that number is going to shoot up this year.
3) Next step, I agree with the posters who say that the 144k will be changed to be a symbolic number (as most Bible commentators think). Again, they will do the same thing they did with dropping the 1935 end of the annointing call and put it in a QFR and act like its not that big of a deal. They will emphasize that its still a very limited number.
4) Next (maybe not in this order), they will clarify that the Faithful & Discreet Slave is actually the GB and not the total of all annointed on earth at any point in history. This way, their power can be strengthened and subject to none who may want to pull some sort of power play as a newly annointed.
5) No need to drop 1914 yet (they can continue to infer that since Noah preached for 120 years they have at least until 2034). Plus, they need the 1914 date and the 1919 date to continue declaring authority. I know many don't believe that the average JW puts much stock into that and while you're probably right, that's not who the GB is looking to control. There are plenty of the higher-ups, branch, district, circuit overseers, even rank & file elders who ARE very much aware of these dates and accept the GBs authority because of it. If the GB were to lose those folks, the religion as we know it would come unraveled. They can't risk it.
The thing that gets me the most is that the theology changes without any fanfare and no apologies. And, it changes not because there is some new, better explaination, but because the previous theory didn't pan out and they really have no choice. Its sick when you think about it. To me, its this sort of thing that really shows me that Gods spirit is not with the organziation.