The diversity of answers on this post. I tried to get through them all, but I was afraid I would forget what I had to say. Got to the last page, though.
When the facade falls away from your life and all your cherished beliefs are in question, the world is a scary place, isn't it? Your mind is quite open and raw and very sensitive to thoughts and ideas that make it feel uncomfortable.Yeah? So it is our natural response to avoid what causes us discomfort.
I don't know how long you have been in the Witnesses or if you were raised in it. I know, after 30 years of being heavily influenced by this group, my thinking processes were altered. It does take some time and some adjustments to reintregate your mind. after all, your heart and mind have been in conflict for some time. For that matter, your mind is actually hiding things from itself.
Sound crazy? Read up on cults and what they actually do to people's thinking processes to control them. You may not like the word cult in reference to the Witnesses, but if you read the material on cults, you'll have to agree that there are some red flags screaming out to be heard. But you have to open your mind enough to listen rather than tuck them neatly away.
Give yourself some time and make the mental adjustments to learn to take control of your life again. Sometimes that involves doing things in life you once thought were taboo. Not from a spiritual sense, but from a Witness sense, something you really never understood or believed anyway. They have plenty of unscriptual rules to break, it should be easy to find something.
You just have to break the dependency. You have been told what to think for some time, I am sure. Now it's your turn to take responsibility for what you choose to do with your life. Not the latest Watchtower,not the "new light", not the governing body. It is totally up to you and there is nothing to hide behind.
If you choose to believe in Jesus and the Bible, that is your choice. If you are firm in your beliefs, then what others say is not going to threaten you. I guess you have to do your own investigation and then make up your own mind. After this, diversity of opinions will not disturb you so much. But it is good to have people around to challange our beliefs on occassion. It keeps us from becoming stagnant in our lives.