what a sad sick world we live in. some of the persons who are molesters were molested or severely abused when they were children. If only they could have received help then, perhaps we could save them. Seems our system is much more invested in punishing the adult than saving the child. it is the same way for all health care, we for get preventive care and treat disease. For it is very true, once they are an adult, they are a predator and dangerous and must be kept away form children.
I am well aware that not all molested children become molesters, so we don't need to argue this one. I do know that. however, if you look at the molester, often there is a sad history of abuse, neglect, etc. Often they have displayed abnormal behavior from childhood, and it has not been noticed or evaluated by a professional. If we could save children, we could prevent some of these persons from becoming molesters or abusers.
I see the commercial for Christian children network, send money to them and save a child. It is always out of the USA. When are people going to look at the reality, we have poor children right here, children who will never have much chance b/c of their station in life, ( of course we deny we have a class system in the USA, but we all know that is not true) no hope of going to college, or even any encouragement. some will say, anyone can go to college with motivation, but when you receive no social support, you do lack motivation. Children who are underfed, lack basic medical care, and lack social support. that right there -lack of proper social support will send a child over the line. I am waiting for the day I see the Christian network asking for donations for the children of the USA. save them.