Your Opinion Wanted-What should really be done to child molesters?

by avidbiblereader 96 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • MsMcDucket

    This thought flashed through my mind. Cover them in honey and bury them up to their necks inside an ant hole. But then, I thought that would be cruel. I dunno?

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    What if the molestor is also a minor? Say, age 15, as in the case of a couple of my relatives. The elders in my cousin's congregation counselled him a little, then dismissed it. My own father (an elder) stated that "it wasn't serious." He was even pushing for my cousin, by that time in his late 20's, to become an elder. It didn't happen because the mother of the girl he molested raised a ruckus and threatened to go to the press.

  • Mary
    MsMcDucket said: This thought flashed through my mind. Cover them in honey and bury them up to their necks inside an ant hole. But then, I thought that would be cruel. I dunno?

    The only thing that bothers me about this idea is that I didn't think of it.

  • LittleToe

    Humane castration, after all, we're not barbarians!

    At least the victims would be safe in the knowledge that they were not at fault and they were abused by someone with no balls!

  • Clam

    I'd use them for medical experimentation. Drug trials could be expedited and animals subjected to vivisection saved.

    This way rather than disposing of paedophiles or incarcerating them, they could give society something back.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ABR, I was raised by my mother and stepfather and subjected from approx. age 11 yo to being molested repeatedly by my stepfather, his brother, my step-uncle, a cousin's husband, my half-brother (when I was 7 yo), and a brother-in-law. They would approach me in broad daylight or at family gatherings in a dark hallway and push me up against the wall or in my bed at night. I used to stand for long periods of time and look in the mirror and study my features to try to determine what the flaws were in me that made them want to do those things to me, because I was sure there was something wrong with me to make them all want to do those things to me. I always used to think it was my fault and that I was the only one they treated that way. Consequently, my two older children were molested by their step-grandfather, as well. When I found out, I was sans vehicle at the time. But I wanted to get a car and drive out to a lonely highway and run over my stepfather's ass and then back over him and run over him again and again and again.

    Since that time, and it's been many years, my youngest son was molested at a very young age by someone who taught him that it was pleasurable and fun. (his words to me) My youngest son also had a learning disorder now called disgraphia, but unrecognized by the school systems nationwide at the time he was in school. Consequently, he was subjected to such terrible abuse for his inability to do any written work in school that he had a nervous breakdown at age 12, he was so traumatized over a written assignment that was due. Previous to that point, he had been subjected to public ridicule from his teachers screaming and calling him lazy, good-for-nothing and stupid in front of his classmates, whippings at school, constant detentions and even was placed in a cardboard box in one classroom to isolate him from his classmates and to humiliate him into doing written work, which he could not do.

    When we exited the WTS and came back to Texas from California, he stayed with my daughter and her (now-ex) hubby. They gave him drugs and alcohol and used him to babysit and do all the household chores until he had to start school here and wasn't available all the time. My (then) son-in-law watched sick, violent, sexually explicit movies all the time, even sending my two g/daughter's (toddlers) screaming and crying from the room in terror over something they saw on TV. After my youngest son had to start school, the beatings began, since he was no longer available as a fulltime babysitter and housekeeper and the state would no longer be paying my daughter and SIL for "fostering" my son because he would soon turn 18. My son-in-law beat him with his fists almost every day until my son finally ran away. But before he ran away, he molested the older g/daughter.......Neither my son, nor my daughter ever told me what he did.....not until just a couple of years ago did my son finally admit to me what he'd done.

    About 5 yrs later, when my youngest son was married and had a few children, my daughter was working and needed a babysitter. She hired my son's wife to babysit her two g/daughters. My youngest g/daughter had begun pulling her eyebrows out with her fingernails and was having nightmares when it finally came out that my youngest son was molesting them both.

    Do you think that my youngest son's own experiences with having been molested....that his trauma-filled school years....that the drugs and alcohol (and yes, he was still on drugs, self-medicating to numb personal pains we can't begin to know or understand) and the sick, violent, sexually explicit movies......that all these things contributed to my son's behavior? I do. Call me a bleeding heart if you wish. Doesn't matter. My son is serving two concurrent 25 yr sentences in prison at this time. He's already been through about 5 yrs of being gang-raped frequently and has attempted suicide enough times that they finally put him in a psych hospital for 18 mos. before transferring him to another prison where it's a calmer "atmosphere." He's also been evaluated as bi-polar.

    My g/daughters received 6 mos. obligatory counseling at the state's expense as a "cure all" for their trauma. They are both psychologically damaged and both are seeing psychiatrists on a weekly basis. This will probably go on indefinitely and I don't know if they'll ever get over it. My younger g/daughter is ADHD and bi-polar I and the older g/daughter is bi-polar III and ADD.

    The powers that be claim that there is no cure for pedophilia. I disagree, because I don't think they've studied the problem enough to be sure there is no way to resolve it. I think if they looked for a way to help those people find a different way to manage their thinking and behavior, they'd find it. Sure there are some who are totally sick and hardened and will never see any other point of view other than their own twisted reasoning. But there are some, and here I have to say, like my youngest son, who can possibly be rehabilitated, be taught that there's a different way to manage their thinking and behavior/ But there is no program available for rehabilitation of pedophiles. There is only revenge and punishment and an all-out effort on the part of authorities to make sure SO parolees get their paroles violated and they go back for another dance with the devil.

    Right now, there is a move to seek the death penalty for repeat SO's.

    I'm so happy, I could shit.


  • MsMcDucket
    Drug trials could be expedited and animals subjected to vivisection saved.

    I'm impressed! You know what vivisection is! I think they should let a person like Hannibal Lector do it.

  • bluebell

    I just don't know, sometimes I want to castrate my father, sometimes I want to kill him, sometimes I feel sorry for him (not often) because he was abused too. I cannot understand how, knowing the hurt they theyselves went through, why they would perpetuate that hurt. But I also love him because he's my father and feel hurt that I will never get that love back.

    I never went to the authorities (was still jw when I finally got the courage to speak out - didn't want disrepute to come to the borg/jehovah) but I wish now, that when he had confessed to the elders, that I had gone right down to the police station. Now, I kinda think its too late and would just be revenge.

    I'm not saying that the perps should walk free, not at all. I wouldn't want torture or the death sentence, but I also don't want to pay to keep em incarcerated, unless they work and pay for themselves. I'm just really confused about my thoughts on it all.

    I think in the end I would go for somekind of mark/tatoo, tagging and supervision and if I decide prison for the rest of their life, make sure they work.

  • rebel8

    I have heard the theory of attraction to children too. My feeling is that I'm attracted to eating a case of Gertrude Hawk chocolates every day and washing them down with a quart of wine, but I don't because it's the right thing to do. I've had the thought of murdering someone cross my mind, but I refrained because that's the right thing to do.

    Maybe the perps do "suffer" from sexual attraction to children, but they don't have to act on it. If I found myself being attracted to children (thankfully I haven't), I'd shoot myself in the head before laying a hand on a child.

    The real difference between us and them may be impulse control + a conscience. I have a hard time understanding why pedophiles should be excused for acting on their dark impulses when the rest of us aren't excused.

  • whyizit

    At the very least, it should be tattooed across their foreheads, so that the rest of us know who they are and what they are all about. At least we could try to protect our children from them.

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