First there's this statement: "A woman I know has a son who was dating a minor for a couple of years. He was about 19 or 20 and she was about 16 or so. The parents got mad about something and said they didn't want him seeing their daughter anymore. Mind you, they had been together and sexually active for a few years. "
Why is it OK for this particular 19 year old to have sex with a minor when it isn't OK for others? Every 19 year old young man must know that having sex with a minor is against the law, and just because they are dating with the parent's approval doesn't make it suddenly legal. He brought this problem on himself and has paid and continues to pay the consequences. That is why they are called "jail bait." The only other thing I would say is that the parents who condoned an adult having sex with their minor daughter should also have gone to jail. What were they thinking?
As for pedophiles, I don't believe they can be rehabilitated. I do believe that many of them act under compulsion, but we can't allow them to get away with it because of that. To protect others, they have to be incarcerated for life. I don't think we should torture them physically (castration, for instance) because we don't want to be as cruel as they are. But, I repeat, for the safety of others, jail for life. And young adults who think it's OK to have sex with a minor because they are "in love" or for some other self-deceiving reason should pay attention, what goes for one child molester should go for all.