Is practicing Capoeira wrong/bad/discouraged by Jehovah's Witnesses?

by aikichristian 78 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Fred E.Hathaway..Would you like to support the organization that runs the Religious Cult the Jehovah`s Witness`s,the WBT$..If so,then invest in the Rand Cam Engine corp..WBT$ owns 50% of Rand Cam..Rand Cam had and may still have,a half billion dollar contract with the US Navy..Did I mention the WBT$ owns 50% of Rand Cam..LOL!!..Make sure the WBT$ makes money from War..Invest in Rand Cam!..God needs the money!..Idiot!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Worshippers of both Jehovah and Satan may eat/drink the same thing or do anything else, but are they doing in to glorify Jehovah? Generally not. All humans either serve Jehovah or Satan. There is no middle ground on this one. Satan's world is the default position right now unless each converts to Jehovah's ways. Satan is still the god of this world.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    to aikichristian:

    Answer to Eph 6:12: Did it ever occur to you that principalities are composed of people, who are made of flesh and blood?
    The Bible is a Spiritual book, primarily. Its inspired teaching at 2 Timothy 2:24-26 states that 24 a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, keeping himself restrained under evil, 25 instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, 26 and they may come back to their proper senses out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him for the will of that one.

    The true Christian protects himself with knowledge and skill, much of it indirectly through reasoning ability. Many who have lived in a violent environment have moved to where they can worship more freely, or they have reformed their lives so that they can live more peaceably. Many others have stood firmly on the side of peace and respectful court challenges, without retaliation, in such places as Germany, Malawi, Armenia, and the USA, especially when it has been a generalized religious attack on freedoms, even suffering beatings, being tarred-and-feathered, and being killed by firing squad.

    We know enough about evil and war from reading the Bible and having it in our environment without looking for it. Bad associations spoil useful habits, after all. (1 Cor.15:33 and surrounding verses)

    Answer to my "false reasoning": Jehovah can give people the power to do beyond the normal, but does he always and in every situation? When you stubbed your toe, it hurt right?...that seems pretty normal to me. Have you, or know anyone, who has been in a car accident, the victim of an attack, been injured/wronged, or any such thing? If so, then chances are they were being quite normal.

    Just because I am not immune to the painful effects of clumsiness or bad motives, does not mean that my reaction must be anger, retaliation, etc. If I have been benefited from the spiritual teaching I receive, I may shake my head and/or laugh it off and carry on with my day. Vindictiveness is not a given for me if I am ruled by Jehovah's holy spirit. (Galatians 5)

    You can't prevent everything. Try thinking your way out when someone is choking the life out of you. What happened to all the "sound thinking" and prevention?......Martial arts to the rescue!

    If my sound thinking has ever been cut off, I've fallen into at least one of Satan's traps.

    Answer to my "have to": Don't mince words Fred. You know exactly what I meant. I know that everyone has Free Will. "Have to" was a figure of speech, just in case you didn't know.

    I wasn't mincing my words, which means that I said what I meant clearly and directly, even if I upset you by doing this (which I didn't intend to, as a matter of fact.) We all need help to improve and clarify our thought patterns. I meant no disrespect. I'm just interested in accuracy of statement. I worship the God of truth, after all.


    Fred E Hathaway..You are the dumbest poster we`ve had here in awhile..You no longer have to just look at war..Now you can invest in it!..Courtesy of the"Watchtower Bible and Tract Society!"..Buy Rand Cam Engine Corp.Stock!!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • jayhawk1
    We know enough about evil and war from reading the Bible and having it in our environment without looking for it.

    That's true, they don't call Him "Jehovah of Armies" for nothing. Millions, perhaps Billions have died before their time in the name of Jehovah the most blood thursty god of all time.

  • aikichristian
    akichristian..If you truley are a martial artist,why would you need to ask these questions?..Why would you discourage someone from one of the most respected fighting forms?..My best guess is,you know nothing about martial arts..Except..What you read,watch on TV or the Movies...OUTLAW

    Whoa, whoa, whoa! I never discouraged anyone, especially my own girlfriend, from practicing martial arts. You're mis-informed about Capoeira. Capoeira is popular, but it does not have a lot of respect as an effective style for combat or self-defense. Karate, Judo, BJJ, Muay Thai, and Escrima have WAY more respect than Capoeira. I don't even think Capoeira would be in the top 50 styles in terms of "respect". Your best guess is WAY wrong, I'm an active judoka (nikyu rank), aikidoka (yonkyu rank), and goju ryu karateka (ikkyu rank). Martial arts has been a big part of my life since I was 7 years old. I don't discourage my girlfriend from re-taking Capoeira or picking up a new MA. I am worried that the WTS will come out with another article saying that martial art "X" is bad too, causing her to get drama from her parents and eventually drop it. I have recommended that she take Judo, but who knows? the WTS may oppose that too because Judo's founder was a Shinto-ist and may be against the bowing and stuff. Fred: You don't have to look for war, sometimes war looks for you! Which is why one ought to have the ability to protect oneself should that situation arise (spiritually AND physically). I don't wish this on you or your loved ones: But one day you may find yourself in a situation where someone is imposing physical harm/violence upon you through no fault of your own. You're going to protect yourself or your loved ones from harm or further harm. Your attacker will not be interested in Jehovah, Christ's sacrifice, how many doors you knocked on, or if you read your Bible. Besides, the majority of MA schools emphasize self-defense rather than just going up to people and attacking them. Also a lot of MA styles developed as a defensive measure to invading forces (Okinawin karate, Escrima/Kali, Savate, etc.). Read your Bible, Fred, even Jehovah has used armies to protect his "Chosen People" and to expand the Kingdom of Israel. Spiritual and physical battle has been intertwined since Lucifer opposed Jehovah.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    I have an IQ of 160, which is not Idiot status last time I checked.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    to OUTLAW:

    You'd need to back your claims legally.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    All the hits I could find on suggest that this is strictly an apostate claim, with no provable substance.

  • Fred E Hathaway
    Fred E Hathaway

    Jehovah's armies are strictly angelic and spiritual.

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