My almost 17 year old daughter left to stay with her Dad last Thursday. This is the second time she has left due to my strict rules, like 10p school day curfue, get to school on time, keep your grades above a C. She has not kept to my rules, so as a consequence I told her this last Wednesday night she has lost driving priviledges of the car I gave her on her 16th birthday. She said she was leaving to live with her Dad. I held the door shut and told her she was not allowed to live with her Dad. I am the sole custodial parent. He has NEVER paid child support or paid any interest in her. His weekend visits have not been taken advantage of. Once every 3 or 4 months he allows her to drive to his house and visit for a couple of hours.
Ex-husband was a witness since birth same as me. I hear he is an atheist now.
In the morning on Thursday she was gone with most of her things. The next day almost everything was gone. The weekend passes, no calls from her. On Monday I packed up what was left in her room, putting anything of value in storage. I re-decorated the room. It is a room of peace and solitude now. She calls on Tuesday and says she wants her old broken dresser. I tell her I threw it out because it was broken. She asks about her posters. I tell her these are gone to. I mention a few things that are saved for her in storage. Ten minutes later the ex-husband calls saying he needs her social security card and birth certificate as well as her w-2. He demands to know when this will be delivered. I bit my tongue. But when exactly will the $15,000 in back child support be paid. (I still have not mailed these items.) She also has this car. As the custodial parent, I can not allow no insurance to be paid on it. At the moment it is on my our insurance policy. I spoke to my attourney. He suggests I sign the car over to the ex so he will have to provide insurance for it. In regard to the W-2, he can forget that, she was with me all of 2006 so I am claiming her as a dependant. I know how he thinks.
I have since received another letter from my daughter's high school in regard to her truency issues. Juvenille court is mentioned.
I have always been told your teenagers bring problems. But right now my heart is broken like it has never been before. No man can break your heart like your own child can.
I contemplate what I have done wrong to find myself in this place. Should I have stayed a witness and with my first husband, making my daughter adhere to the witnesses rules for conduct? Because with the choices I have made I find I am with the second husband, who I have not had sex with since we married in 2001. My daughter has gone to her Dad's house. She has been disrepectful of me most of her life.
Since this is the second time she has left home, I have changed the locks and emptied her room. She is not coming home easily. My head says she does not need to come home at all. My heart misses her terribly.
I find myself in tears or close to tears almost every day. I am thinking I need to get medication or something. I find myself in prayer all the time.
You kind folks have always been a huge comfort, so any words of wisdom will help.
I hope you have a peaceful and focused day.