Broken Heart

by jillbedford 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jillbedford

    Thanks guys. You are so much comfort and good advice.

    I am thinking about the overtime I worked, because as I mentioned the ex NEVER paid any child support. I was able to provide for her money for college, which she may not be able to take advantage of since she may not finish high school. I provided her own bedroom and her own bathroom. She was ungrateful for any of this, destroying these rooms. It took me 4 hours of cleaning to get these rooms inhabitable.

    As far as my husband goes, does anyone have much sex after age 35 anyway? Aren't we past the prime for that?

    I own a VERY successful business with my husband so this is our bond. After working for years in an ungratef ul Dilber world I am finally free. He has been a huge asset in the business. So this is our bond, thin as it is.

  • Gregor

    Our two oldest daughters both made our lives into a kind of hell when they reached mid teens. Once they went to a movie with friends and afterwards when we expected them home they were no show. One of the friends was a JW. We were calling around but didn't have this girls ph # so I went over to the house. When I knocked the Dad answered and I asked if they knew anything. He didn't say a word, just closed the door in my face (I was a DF'd person). We were up all night going nuts, finally they showed up about dawn. They had met a friend with a car at the movies and took off for San Francisco (90 miles).

    They are now 39 and 41, have kids of their own. They have apologized to us many times for what they put us through. I don't know how we survived those years but I guess what I'm trying to say to you is that this WILL pass. Wish their was more I could say. Just put yourself at the top of the list of people to take care of right now.


  • jillbedford

    Thanks Honesty! You have always been a good friend. It helps that you know who the Ex is.

  • Mad

    Broken Heart- NEVER blame yourself; as parents we do the best we can. And Truth or NO Truth, teenagers will become who they associate with. Don't lose faith in the Spirit!



  • jillbedford

    I did do the best I could. I worked 2nd shift for many years. I did this to provide insurance and college opportunities for my daughter. I called at 10p everyday to make sure she was home. Sometimes she was, sometimes she was not. But lately she has be not on time to school, sometimes not getting to school until noon. But she leaves home at 7:30a. So where is she is the meantime?

    I guess the Ex will have to follow her comings and goings now.

  • RichieRich


    Its hard to leave home as a kid, but at least she has somewhere to go besides the street. Hopefully her father won't allow her to walk all over him, and he will put the foot down on her, so she will be forced to behave, no matter where she lives. Its part of growing up.

    I'm sure your daughter doesn't realize the effects of her actions on you, but I think if she ever comes back to your home, just for a visit, she'll realize that her presence isn't what the house thrives on.

    As far as her having your car.... heck no. I'd take that back. Figure out what your legal rights are and how you can take it back. Let her dad transport her everywhere. (funny thing is, he'll only want to be out so late, so there will still be a curfew of sorts in effect.)

    Let her realize that the grass isn't greener on the other side.

    And I hope it doesn't ruin your relationship. Its hard to lose your mother at a young age.

  • jillbedford

    Thanks Richy Rich.

    I have given this a lot of thought. I gave her the car I worked hard to get for her. She can keep it. it is in my name now., My attourney tells me to put it in my ex-husband's name now so he will be responsible for the insurance. I plan to follow his instructions.

    I have followed your posts and find you a wise young man.

  • Sunspot

    I have raised five teenagers and have a sixth still in school in another city best suited for his particular living with Asperger's Syndrome. There IS no way to describe the experience of raising teens....even the non-rebellious ones tend to give you serious flak at times.

    You CAN take all the time you want to, to deliver whatever she may have left behind. (tough tomatoes) It is all up to YOU as the sole custodial parent. The grass is always greener on the other parent's side....and I'll just be willing to bet that things may have quite a turnaround the second things become sticky with Daddy at HIS house....and she may just not see where living with YOU was such a "bad thing" all along!

    We had one daughter that did this three times because we didn't allow her to do something that was waaaay beyond what we permitted as parents....with her OR the other kids. She ended up running away and then taking us to court when she found a willing parent of a classmate that would take her in.....but IN court, when the jugde asked some questions of "came out" that what she had told everyone was NOT the truth of the matter.....and that WE didn't throw her out into the street one night,

    but SHE ran off DURING the night and we had no clue where she had gone (again). Our home was and had been, open to he whenever she wanted to come back. She had also told people that we had gone to a JW assembly...had come back and threw all her belongings into the parking lot of the motel....because she wouldn't get baptized the next morning! Some of the stories she told were quite unbelievable, let me tell you!

    We can laugh about it NOW....but at the time we never knew what was going to happen next.....right down to the night TWO police cars pulled up like on COPS...screeching to a halt....and very BIG and very TALL cops banged on the door and demanded to come in. A very business-like and snotty lady with a clipboard....came in after them and with our daughter...demanding HER things....

    saying SHE had "rights" to her stuff....even though hubby said that HE had PURCHASED all...her stuff....and what happened to OUR "rights".....but the threat of arrest kept us quiet and very compliant as she got ""all her stuff". We shook for hours after everyone left that night.

    But things DO have a way of working out....we are all friendly now, and get along beautifully. She is a very beautiful 38 year old woman with so much artistic talent and skills that it makes it hard to believe that *I* gave birth to her! I enjoy her and who she is as a woman. It CAN happen in your family too! Just hang in there!



  • Pahpa


    Imagine my surprise to see your name and latest experience here on the Forum. We are very sorry to read about these developments. But we were aware of the move of C to her father since B is still in touch with her. I will be writing to you soon to fill you in on more details.

    By the way, Gramma had her 96th birthday this month.

  • jillbedford

    Thanks Sunspot!

    Your experience is very comforting. I am glad to hear things worked out in the end. It is dear friends who have helped me though this one.

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