Broken Heart

by jillbedford 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JamesThomas

    Dear Jill,

    Much of your suffering is due to thoughts of remorse, thoughts of where you might have went wrong, thoughts about what things should be like, etc. This moment, absent of the drama created by the mind, how are things?

    Be still of mind generated memories, thoughts and drama. Be silently present with the raw sadness, void of story and judgments. Feel what it is to silently be alive in this moment: the feeling of breathing, the weight, ache and tingle is different parts of the body. In other words, be kind to yourself, get out of the story in your mind, and into the present moment of existence.

    Cry your eyes out. Go swimming or running. Do these things with a silent mind, with attention placed on the actual senses of doing these things. Learn to differentiate between the minds tight agonizing drama, and the openness of reality. Rest in the warmth of silent existence and life. Use the mind only when you absolutely need to, otherwise be more and more present with the sense of life in and around you.

    You'll get through this. This too, will pass. Use this troubling time to help motivate you to be grounded in reality.


  • jillbedford

    Thanks James Thomas!

    I am throwing myself into cleaning right now.

    One could eat a meal off my bathroom floor.

    If you were so inclined.

  • Golf

    Stay the course. I have 6 children, the oldest being 43. You need to learn to cope with your thoughts and feelings and that's not an easy chore. I believe in the saying, "what goes around comes around."

    Glad to know you taking comfort from many encouraging comments. Take care and stay the course.


  • Crumpet

      • Age is an attitude of mind
      • Weight is a preference
      • Sexiness - well, you know when you've got it going on

      A marriage without sex for over five years seems pretty dysfunctional, to be brutally honest. I expect that when I hit my 80s I'll still know its not for stirring coffee with, altzeimers or not!

      As Six says - get thee therapy post-haste. You are tolerating something that appears to have eroded your self esteem. Fix that and maybe your relationship with your daughter will get some perspective, too. Meanwhile she's nearly an adult and has her own choices and mistakes to make. It sounds like your ex needs to enjoy the pleasures of parenting a teenager for a while, anyhow

      LT - I hate to say it as your head is too big already - but sometimes your posts are so spot on in every possible way!

    (I hope to live to see the day when you do pop it out to stir the coffee - but then again I can just see you doing that to wind me up when we are both pensioners!)

  • LittleToe
    I hate to say it as your head is too big already...

    Oh dang it, you're right. Now I've spilt my coffee!

  • Crumpet

    Normally I choose my words much more carefully so as not to give you a gag out of it!

    LOL! You are too gross!

  • LittleToe

    I thrive on being vile, when you're around.


  • Crumpet

    LMAO! (I'm not going to bite, or sip! and we are hijacking lovely jill's thread!)

  • Avecnoir

    Wow! That was pretty drastic remodeling her room before her scent was gone from it. She's 16 years old, a time when all children question their parents. Curfews, school grades all things that kids struggle with when they are trying to find themselves. From the days of Leave It To Beaver kids have questioned their parents in their teen years. Is she doing drugs? Sleeping around with everyone? Has she become a thief? The grass is always greener on the other side, for all of us, adults included.

    My husband passed away the year my children turned 18, 12 and 13. I went through all of this without the help of anyone. Let alone a second husband in my home. Today my children are 30, 25 and 24 doing fine and all living and working on their own. Forget about the back child support, it was your job to fight for it in the courts. Forget about not sleeping with your second husband, that was your choice to marry and stay married to him. Why is it OK for you to make all these errors which affect your daughter but she is not allowed to explore herself? Is this a case of Do As I Say And Not As I Do?

    If you love your daughter stop pushing her away. Get rid of the second husband, who from what your saying is frustrating you to the point your daughter suffers. Unless he has a medical reason for not sleeping with you, I'd be worrying about who he is sleeping with! I don't agree with what your daughter is doing, but I do know that it is your job to provide the safe loving home and deal with it when she acts up like all children do. How is she going to grow into a fine young adult if she is not allowed to make some mistakes? Being a parent isn't easy, especially in these days, but it's not impossible to have a good relationship with your child if you really want to. Sometimes you have to bite your lip till you draw blood and let them grow.

    You have to be the rock in her life. More so now than ever before. According to what you say about her father he's bound to let her down. If she can't turn to you when this happens who do you think she is going to turn to? I shudder to think. I'm sorry for being so harsh but I am sick and tired of parents who call it quits the minute their kids start trying to have a mind of their own. Your child is not a toy you bought in a store that when the leg breaks off or the hair gets messed up you can just toss in a closet or worse yet throw away. Suck it up and take it to prayer, if you really love your child, your flesh and blood get it together before you destroy her future for good. If you built a strong foundation for her to grow on then you need to trust in that foundation for it will hold. If on the other hand you have been too busy trying to please everyone else you owe her an apolgy for neglecting her.

  • mouthy

    WOW!!! Avec Welcome to the board.....You sound like a say what you think lady!!! Not that I disagree with you -I am more concerned with the Mother than the daughter... I cannot imagine living with a man. Who did not want me sexually!!!!! I Do hope Jill gets help....My heart aches for her. But then again maybe her hubby is gay & she hasnt told us that....or I havent read that yet....

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